Episode 42 - Paradise

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     I want to take a moment to thank you for reading my fanfiction. It has taken me many hours of work within a year and a half, and the fact that someone has taken the time to read it warms my heart. Whenever you leave comments, it makes me feel like a child on Christmas! I appreciate any votes you leave too! It has been a huge motivator to finish this fanfic! Thank you!

     I also wanted to tell you that I've pre-written the rest of this story and it will end on episode 50. I'll update regularly now every Monday. Thank you again for reading! :)

They did it! The first song was over, and the five boys were high on satisfaction as the audience roared in applause. They took a bow, smiling from ear to ear. They felt unstoppable. They felt loved.

Sadly, this wasn't their concert, and they had only one more song left. Their performance was halfway over already. But maybe that was a good thing. In the few quiet moments when they waited for the next song, each member remembered their anxieties. What if something wrong happens during the second song?

The backstage crew brought out stools, just like Jinyoung requested, so Sandeul wouldn't be the only one sitting down. Jinyoung was brought his guitar, and all five of them were seated.

Sandeul took a deep breath before he started off the song. With all the practicing he did, Sandeul could easily sing faster, upbeat songs, like the last one. But ballads, like Together, were still difficult for him. Sandeul pinched his eyes shut and tried to sing the first lines softly, and not rough like a zombie.

Sandeul succeeded, and the rest of the song went smoother than they could have ever imagined. Towards the end, they looked out to the audience who seemed moved by the song—some even had tears in their eyes.

The boys smiled at each other as the song Together came to an end. They took a bow and the audience gave a long and loud applause. Some shouts for an encore could be heard. But B1A4's short performance was over with. They came for what they wanted. And that performance would be the most memorable moments of their lives.

As they headed offstage, the backstage manager rushed to them in a panic. "Can you do one more song right now? SHINee isn't ready yet! Key's headset won't sync up and Taemin was dressed in the wrong outfit! It's a disaster back there, and we need a couple more minutes!"

Jinyoung faced his band mates, who all looked unsure of themselves.

"I don't know how much longer I can go on for," Gongchan was the first to speak up, who kept needing to scratch behind his ear.

"It'll be risky," Baro muttered, noticing more security guards backstage. "B-But I'm up for anything."

"Uh-huh..." Sandeul agreed, but looked very spacy and sleepy.

"I think we can all handle one more song," Shinwoo said, biting his lip. "But it's your call, Leader."

Jinyoung pondered all that was at stake. SHINee and the crew needed B1A4's help now more than ever. The crowd seemed to love this boy band that was nearly forgotten. But if something went wrong, they could kiss their dreams of performing goodbye. This performance would be their first and only one.

The five boys had been through so much already and took too many risks to give up this opportunity. They had been through worse. If something bad happened on stage, at least they would face it together.

Jinyoung smiled nervously and made a fist, "Hwaiting! We might never get this opportunity again. Let's not pass it up. We can do it. We were meant to perform, and that's our paradise out there! Let's remind everyone of B1A4!"

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