Arrival of SkullGreymon

Start from the beginning

I sighed when I heard Tai's theory and wanted to speak out, but what could I say that wouldn't help with the situation.

I watched as Agumon whined nervously as we continued walking. We eventually found a small oasis and picked some food for the trip, since we were running low.

I went to the other side of the oasis to find more food, as I was picking fruit, I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my head.

I knelt down on one knee and pressed my hand against my temple.

"Raya, what's wrong?" Luna asked me, jumping off my shoulder to the ground and looking up at me with worried eyes.

"I don't know," I said, "My head just suddenly felt like it was squished."

"Do you need any medicine, I can reach into your bag."

I shook my head and smiled as the pain slowly faded, "It's okay, the pain's gone for now. Come on, let's get back to the others."

I stood, picked Luna up and she crawled onto my shoulder, her worried expression never leaving her face.

I walked back to group and saw a surprising scene. Tai was forcibly feeding Agumon to the point where it looked like the digimon was about to burst.

"Come on, you've gotta keep eating!" Tai shouted, "Everyone's giving you their food so you can digivolve, isn't that right?"

"Yeah..." Matt said weakly.

"We didn't give him our food, he took it from us. Of all the nerve." Mimi said.

I sighed, walking up to Tk and setting the I found down in the sand.

"Who's hungry?" I said, everyone's faces lit up and eahc one of them took a piece of food.

"So, what happened while I out foraging?" I asked.

"Tai stole all our food and is feeding Agumon." Sora said.

"Well, the food won't do us any good we still can't digivolve." Gabumon said.

"So those of us who don't work don't eat, huh?" Joe asked.

"But I'm hungry." Tentomon whined.

"Hey, I can't hear you, I said ian't that right?" Tai shouted.

"That's right!" Everyone shouted back.

I stood up and walked over to Tai, placing my hand on his shoulder and drawing his attention from Agumon towards me.

"Tai, maybe that's enough food for noe." I said kindly, but Tai shook his head no.

"No way, Raya. If he's going to digivolve a step farther he needs to have all the energy he can get." Tai said.

"That's true, but there's such a thing as overfed. Agumon won't be able to fight properly if he's too full. Stop for now."

"But Raya-"

"No buts about it. Look at your partner, he looks like he's about to burst. Take it easy."

I gestured to the stuffed digimon. Tai stared back at his partner and sighed.

I sighed as well, seeing Tai continue to stuff Agumon full of food and say that they're the only ones who could protect the team now.

What had ever happened to the boy form school who loved soccer and friends? This whole trip to the Digital World changed him for either the better or the worst.

And in this case, I would have to say that it's not for the better. Just then, I felt not only the squishing pain in my temples, but a familiar warm feeling.

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