십구 • Stranger danger

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Chapter 19

"And that day is not today y/n."


At last, the so called important man of the scene, the CEO of the company made his way to the small podium situated in the middle of the dance floor, along with that witch, Eujin.

Everyone's gaze falls on to the big boss and gave him their full attention.

I had to slant my body a bit to the side to be able to give the CEO my earnest attention but then, Jungkook's knee had touched mine when I tried to move.

I shifted in my seat and muttered a sorry before dragging my seat backwards to avoid that awkward space.

The young man, wearing glasses and standing proudly on his two feets, started his introduction.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. I, Choi Eun Rui, CEO of Retro Bakery, hereby would like to showcase you the fancy bakery ..."

I stopped listening from there onwards because of how uneasy I felt when Jungkook was facing towards me. Even though I wasn't facing directly towards him, my instincts told me I was being watched.

I couldn't help it but feel conscious of myself and check if my double chin was showing or not.

"I'm also proud to introduce everyone here to my beautiful fiancé, who is also the head executive assistant of mine, Lee Eujin."

The room filled with whistles from boys drooling over that witch and claps boomed loudly for her.

However, I didn't participated in any of that and unconsciously blurted a disgusted remark.

How could she, the fiancé of Choi Eun Rui, possibly hit on Jungkook earlier this evening?

How could she throw away her title just because a charming knight, who is by the way, a friend of her Fiancé, caught her eyes?

Poor thing. I felt bad for the clueless cheerful man standing on the podium along with his disloyal partner by the side.

A man who probably make millions, having numerous headquarters worldwide, and having such a positive impact on people too.

Why a positive impact? - the donations on this event goes to charity and I was glad that I contributed quite a big sum of money, after always wishing to do something for the community.

Thinking about how my contribution can provide for people who are not privileged and are in need, it warms my heart.

Also, I was much more amazed at the fact that Jungkook contributed a large sum of money. Like a lot.

Of course being a filthy rich guy, he donated about 1 million dollars to the charity event.

When I asked him how much he donated, I couldn't help it but agape my mouth at the amount he kind heartedly shared with people around the world.

I smiled unwillingly when I thought about him and creepily enough, he is exactly right in front of me.

"... Keeping the speech short, I would like to thank everyone who are here on this worthwhile event and thank you for making it a successful one. Not only that, I hope everyone here is having a good time. Thank you."

After scanning the room with a bright smile, Choi Eun Rui stepped down from the podium as the crowd cheered loudly for his genuine speech.

That eagle eyed woman, not able to resist her desires, kept on eye fucking Jungkook during her Fiance's talk.

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