이 • I was as good as frozen minced meat

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Chapter 2.

Y/N's pov

" Are you done staring? If so, get your big ass head away from my view "

" Yaa!! Y/N wake up! You're going to be late again for work if you're not up in 10 minutes." My personal alarm, aka my sister, Mina, shouted directly in my ears while slapping my cheeks. Annoyed, my eyes shot up immediately and stared at her. Realising how pissed I was, she smiled sheepishly towards me and scurried out of the bedroom before I uttered a word. Rolling my eyes, I stretched out of bed and rubbed my tired eyes.

I couldn't afford to be late again for work, Mrs Ayeun might actually fire me this time. Oh Lord save me this time round again.

Without wasting time, I proceed lazily to my bathroom almost tripping over a stool, and took a quick refreshing shower. After that 15 minutes shower, I dried myself and wore a basic white top paired with a pair of black skinny jeans, and made sure to apply a natural makeup - bb cream, rose blusher, jet black eyeliner and red lip tint.

The workplace I work at has a very strict policy on how we workers dress and present ourselves. One time, I heard that a worker was fired because the customer complaint about her making his eyes sore. Basically, she just didn't look presentable and had a stain on her dress. How can someone be so cruel? She probably had a family to feed.

Without further a do, I put on my converse shoes securely and walked down the mountain of stairs to my sister's car. Earlier this morning, knowing I would lose my job if I took the bus, she offered me to take her car and drive instead.

Reaching the car park, I spotted the fancy yellow and black car. A car that my sister spent her blood sweat and tears on, after years of hard work, she finally bought her dream car.
I get into the car and tapped the address on the GPS screen. Turning the key, the loud engine roared at the back of the car, probably startling my neighbours. Not wasting any precious time, my feet pressed on the pedal hard, speeding to the club.

Upon reaching the famous and now operating club , I parked my sister's expensive car in the car park and rushed to the back door. Quietly and sneakily, I tip-toe to check in and get dressed into the outfit of the day, a short flirtatious yet classy red dress. We change our attire every single day - It's boring to use the same thing over and over again.

Being a 'hostess ' or a 'waitress' , what ever you want to call it, is not just merely serving our customers . Our motto is to make sure our customers leave the haven with a smile on their face. If a customer was displeased with the previous service, they are given a free day with the choice of their preferred waitress to make up for the poor service. Fortunately, I've never been reported for having poor services and conduct .

Surprisingly, I'm one of the top few hostess on the list of getting the most picks from the customers , thus, my schedule is mostly packed with bookings. Some may think it is a dirty job, however, our job is to comfort those who might need company or create spark to their dull life - as long as they have the money :)

After checking in and changing into my attire, I went to the locker room to meet my fellow workmates. To my surprise, Lady boss- Mrs Ayeun, wasn't there. Usually when she's not checked in, she either have to prepare for a very important customer or is sick. No offence but I hope it's the second option. Whenever very important and famous customers come over, they tend to be more demanding and sensitive. ugh. That's why we don't appreciate them for coming and making our lives harder.

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