Ruby Watches RWBY

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): We'll talk about it later. Can we focus on-

Ruby: How long has this show been going on?

(Y/N): What?

Ruby: You heard me.

(Y/N): Uhh... I don't think you would-

Penny: Nearly seven years.


(Y/N): How'd you-

Ruby: You've been watching me for SEVEN YEARS?

(Y/N): Technically, it hasn't even been a year for you.

Ruby: But it's been going on for SEVEN!

The door to the room is kicked open. Yang was standing there.

Yang: What the hell's going on in here?

Penny, Ruby and (Y/N) race to the centre of the room to cover the TV from Yang.

All three of them: Nothing!

Yang: What's this "Watching us for seven years" I can hear.

(Y/N): Uhhh...

Penny: It was just a joke.

Ruby: Uh, yeah. Just a joke.

(Y/N): Just a really meaningless, pointless joke that shouldn't be dived into too much.

Penny and Ruby hit both sides of (Y/N)'s waist.

(Y/N): *mutters* Owww

Yang: Yeah, right. What are you covering behind there?

(Y/N): The really meaningless, pointless joke that shouldn't be dived into too much.

(Y/N) gets hit again.

(Y/N): *mutters* Seriously.

Yang: Come on, lemme see.

Ruby: I don't think you wa-

Weiss: Yang! I just found out something important. Where's Ruby?

Penny, Ruby and (Y/N) couldn't see Weiss, but knew she just outside the room because Yang turned to face her.

Yang: She's in here with Penny and (Y/N).

Weiss: (Y/N)'s in there?

(Y/N): Oh no.

Ruby: What?

(Y/N): She knows.

Yang: Yeah, why?

Weiss sprints into the dorm and takes (Y/N) to the ground. She points her Myrtenaster at his face. 

(Y/N): Ow, can I go one day without being tackled.

Weiss: Stand down (Y/N).

Yang: Weiss, what the hell!

Weiss grabs out her scroll and calls someone.

Weiss: (Y/N). I found him. Our room

Weiss hangs up the phone.

Yang: What on Remnant are you doing!

Yang tries to pull Weiss away from (Y/N).

Weiss: That's not (Y/N)!

Yang: What do you mean that's not (Y/N)! Did you even look at him yet?

Weiss: Call (Y/N).

Yang: What?

Weiss: Call (Y/N), and you'll believe me.

Yang grabs out her scroll and calls the powerful (Y/N).

Yang: (Y/N)? Holy crap. Can you explain to me why there's two of you.

Weiss: Looks like your game of copycat is over.

Weiss spins the chamber in her weapon. 

Ruby: Don't kill him!

Weiss: What else am I suppose to do, let him go?

(Y/N): Please?

Weiss: No!

(Y/N) Crap.

Penny: He's a good guy.

Weiss: Are you two on his side now?

Ruby: He told us who he is.

Weiss: He's just doing that to get you on his side.

Penny: No, you don't understand, he is (Y/N)!

Weiss: Did I not just prove to Yang that he wasn't.

Ruby: He's a different (Y/N). He's from another dimension!

Weiss: You expect me to believe that nonsense.

(Y/N): Look at the TV!

Weiss: And lose track of you? Not a chance.

(Y/N): Do it, please.

Weiss: No.

(Y/N): I haven't tried to fight back yet, have I?

Penny: No you haven't, Weiss, you can trust him.

Weiss: It's a trick, a distraction that he'll use to escape or fight back.

(Y/N): I won't. I swear.

Before Weiss could fully come to a decision, a person behind her spoke up.

Powerful (Y/N): (Y/N), or whoever you are, you just lost your final game of hide and seek.


Author Notes

Once again thanks for reading this story. I know it's only been three days since I first started this story, but somehow, this story already has people that love it. As a first time writer here on Wattpad, it means a lot to me. It gives me more enjoyment  in creating this story. This chapter is kinda short, but you coming face to face with the other you seems like a great place to end a chapter. I'm being cheesy again aren't I? I stop it now. Cya next chapter.

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