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They entered the large room that was Dr. Stanford's ward and looked around. All was dark except for the doctor's office which was a room with large windows in the corner. They observed the doctor sitting at his desk for a moment, then approached the door and knocked.

   The doctor gave a start and furrowed his brow as he saw who it was. Nevertheless, he stood up and opened the door.

   "Aren't you Ellie's son?"

   "Yes. I've just arrived back in London and I need my mother's current address."

   "Yes, Alright and I'm inclined to give it though you going to your mother's address didn't exactly turn out the way you hoped last time, did it?"

   Andrew turned bright red and began to stammer but Dr. Stanford ignored him and said, "12, Baker Street." He gave a sidelong glance at Daisy and began to withdraw back into his office but Andrew stoppd him.

   "Please. This is not what this looks like."

   "What does it look like, Mr. Brooks? Have a goodnight." And he closed the door and sat down.

   Andrew sighed. He was very much unready to see Cora again. Daisy watched her cousin closely. She knew that she was missing something, but held her tongue until they had gotten out onto the street and were walking toward what was hopefully Baker Street.

   "Andrew, what happened? You looked half-sick while we were in there."

   "I-I don't want to talk about it."


   "Because it was a particular blunder of mine that I would like to remain in the past. Though I know it can't. Not today."

   "Andrew, what happened?"

   He sighed heavily again and said, "I made an arse of myself when I was here in January. It was unforgivable. It is unforgivable. I publicly accused my wife of carrying another man's child. She's not."

   Daisy stopped walking for a moment. "Why Andrew! I wouldn't have thought it of you!"

   He shook his head in the darkness. "I know. I know that wasn't me that day. He was a raving, fearful madman. Not that I don't bear the blame."

    Daisy put her hand on his shoulder and said sincerely, "Andrew, you can be forgiven. There's still hope."

    "I hope so."

   The pair continued to walk in the darkness but got lost, so they backtracked and eventually found their way to the apartment building. After a journey up a flight of rickety, old stairs and past the paint-chipped doors of countless neighbors, they found themselves in front of number 12, aided in seeing it by the dimly lit hallway.

   Andrew hesitated, his heart beating rapidly. Daisy rested a hand on his arm and said, "It will be alright, Andrew." He nodded in uncertainty and knocked on the door. Then, it opened.

   Cora was standing in the doorway, one hand on her protruding tummy. Andrew stepped back as if slapped, tears in his eyes.

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