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A week later, the newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Brooks stepped out of the church into the sunny September day. They posed momentarily for a picture, then continued out of the church to a waiting car. They waved goodbye to the few guests that had attended the quickly thrown-together wedding ceremony and then sped off.

   Ellie and Tom stood on the top step, just outside of the church. "Tom, darling, do you have everything? Do you have all of your things? Do you have-"

   "Darling, I'm only going to be away for two weeks. I have everything." Because of his exceptional service in the RAF during the Great War and because of his relatively young age, the RAF had almost immediately accepted Tom into their ranks. He was going to train for the leadership position of group captain for two weeks and then return home, only to report to an airfield in Scotland a week later.

   "I love you, Ellie. I'll be back." He kissed her for a moment, then, pulling away too soon, he waved goodbye to his beloved wife and was off.

   Ellie sighed tiredly. She had cried so much in the last week that she had no energy to cry now. She talked to a guest or two, then walked home. After a few minutes of painful walking in her heels, Ellie removed them and continued on in her stockings. She observed the town as she walked.

   Many a young man was leaving his home to prepare for war, and many a young woman was having to say goodbye. After a moment's consideration, she took a detour and headed down to the beach in her stockings and red cocktail dress.

   A light breeze swept off of the ocean and blew across the rocky coast. She sat down on a flat rock and looked out across the sea, imagining a world in which her husband was gone forever. She shook the thought from her mind. He would be alright.

   "Peaceful, isn't it?"

   Ellie started at the voice. She hadn't noticed anyone on the beach. "Oh! Yes. It is."

   "Sorry if I scared you. My name is Clarence Stanford." Ellie looked the old man up and down. He was an odd sort of fellow. He wore a brown suit, a green tartan cap, and a yellow tie. His gray hair stuck out in strange places and he wore wire spectacles that slid down the bridge of his nose.

   "Hello. I'm Ellie Brooks."

   "What brings you here today, Mrs.

Brooks?" He had apparently taken note of her wedding ring.

   "My husband just left for pilot training and my son just got married. I'm all alone, so I thought I would keep the ocean company for a little while."

   Clarence looked out at the waves. "Yes, they do seem a bit lonely, now that you mention it. Do you mind if I sit with you?"

   "Not at all." The old man steadied himself and sunk down next to Ellie on the rock.

   "You know, Ellie, I'm a doctor. I work and live in London, but my son lives here. He's off to fight in the war soon. I don't know how to feel. I'm proud, but I'm also worried for his safety."

   "I know how you feel, Clarence. All at once I feel proud and afraid."

   "The way I see it, it all comes down to the character of our soldiers. They have chosen duty over desire and I think they deserve much respect for that."

   Ellie nodded. "Yes, they do."

This is War✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें