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When it was time for Ellie and Ben to leave the flat, they left promptly and headed through the frigid city to Dr. Stanford's place of residence. It was almost time for the evening's blackout to begin and the two companions observed as the members of various households put up curtains and blankets in the windows.

Some even had their windows painted black so that they didn't have to prepare for the evening. Mothers out shopping pushed past Ellie and Ben in a hurried attempt to make it home before dark while their children clutched at their skirts.

They finally arrived at Dr. Stanford's flat. It was larger than many other ones: presumably because, as a doctor, he could afford it. The lobby of the building that housed it was clean and bright and various bell boys hurried to cover up the large windows that graced the walls of the entryway.

The pair rode the lift up to the third floor and then proceed to knock on the door of flat number 17. A moment lapsed and then-- "Hello, Ellie. And who might this be?"

"This is Ben, Cora's brother."

"I see. Welcome to my home. Cora's in a bad way, after what happened..." He trailed off.

"What happened, sir?" Ben looked from the doctor to Ellie and back again. He knew something had happened.

"Very bad business. Her husband yelled at her publicly, claiming she was carrying on an affair. It wasn't true of course, but it embarrassed her a great deal."

Ben crossed his arms. "Why that bast-"

"Careful, that's my husband you're talking about." Cora entered the room and instantly locked eyes with Ellie. Ellie was confused for a moment. Andrew had done something so awful to Cora, yet she was defending him. Then she thought about Tom and realized that if he had done that she would have forgiven him too.

"Cora! Are you alright?"

"Yes, Benny. You're joining the military?!" She gestured toward his crisp, new uniform.


"What about Dad?"

"He's been doing better. Mum said she can handle it."

"You know she's lying so you won't feel bad. She does so much, taking care of Dad."

At this, Ben said, "Well I can't do anything about that can I?! I was conscripted. It's a ruddy disaster!"

Cora sighed heavily. "I know. Where are they sending you?"

"France in two weeks."

"France?" A new voice asked. A man came out. His smiling eyes alighted on the group.

The doctor gave a start and said, "Oh, Ellie! You haven't met my son, Michael."

Dr. Stanford's son extended his hand toward Ellie. "How do you do?"

"Hello." She shook his hand.

"So France, eh?" Michael turned to Ben.

"Yes. You as well?"

He nodded. "Yes, in two weeks. I hope to see you there. I'm going, Dad. Nice to meet you, Cora."

"Right, see you tomorrow, Michael." His father gave him a pat on the back and he was off. Michael Stanford's cheerful banter had deflated the tension in the room.

Cora sighed. "May I speak with Ellie alone, please?" The others nodded in ascent and left the room.

"Cora, listen to me. I'm so sorry about the letter. It wasn't my place. I couldn't handle the fact that maybe you weren't as excited as I am."

To her surprise, Cora sat down on the sofa and burst into tears. Ellie ran over to her daughter-in-law and wrapped her arms around her. "What's wrong, my dear?"

"I am-I am excited. I just...I'm afraid. What if I'm not a good mother? What if I'm not prepared to take care of the baby?"

"Cora, we'll figure it out, together, because we're a family, and because we're strong."

"Thanks you." They hugged a few seconds more but were interrupted by Ben.

He came forward, his hands in his pockets. "Everything alright?"

Cora sniffled and looking up, she smiled. "Yes, everything."

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