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The next morning, Ellie waved her husband off at Brighton Airfield. He kissed her once more, and then he was off. Ellie stood on the airstrip and watched as his airplane disappeared into the distance.

   As she drove off the airstrip, she was stopped at the gate. "Ma'am, is your name Ellie Brooks?"

   She nodded in confusion. Who here could possibly know her? Her question was answered in a matter of moments as someone was alerted. It was Andrew. "Mum, how are you? I'm sorry I couldn't see Dad off."

   Ellie smiled weakly. "I'm alright."

   "No, you're not. That was a stupid question, I'm sorry. Listen, I want to talk to you about Cora. She-"

   "I know. She told me. How are you  handling it?"

   "Alright, I guess. It's much less time together, but it is what it is."

   Ellie looked closely at her son and realized that he looked and sounded much older than he actually was. He wore his RAF uniform proudly and he held his head high in confidence. The war had changed many people and things. It would just take some time for her to accept it.


   Back at home, Ellie paced the floor. She had been thinking about what she should do over the last few days and she had come to the conclusion that she should go back into nursing. She had been a nurse, an excellent one in fact, during the Great War, and now she was ready to serve again.

   She quickly picked up the landline and dialed a number. "Hello? Operator speaking."

   "Hello, can you connect me to the Royal London Hospital?"

   "Just a moment."

   The phone rang. "Hello, The Royal London."

   "Hello, can I be connected to Dr. Clarence Pennywise?"

   "Wait a moment, I'll see." Then, "Here you are, ma'am." The phone rang some more.

   "The office of Dr. Stanford. Can I assist you?"

   "Yes, may I speak with the Doctor?"

   "No, you may not, he is busy."

   "Martha, who is on the phone? Give me the line. Hello? Dr. Stanford speaking."

   "Oh! Mr.-Dr. Stanford! It's Ellie Brooks."

   "Ellie who?"

   "Brooks," she practically yelled into the receiver.

   "Oh, yes! Ellie Brooks, how may I help you?"

   "I was a nurse during the Great War. May I come to work for you?"

   "You are aware that we are a surgery and wound clinic? And that we work closely with the burn unit here at The Royal?

   "No. I did not know that, but I can do it, I know I can."

   "I believe that you can. When can you start?"

   "The day after tomorrow?"

   "Yes, that will work fine. I can't tell you how proud I am of you for overcoming your loneliness."

   "Thank you, Doctor! I'll see you then!" Then she put the receiver down in excitement and ran upstairs to pack for her new adventure.

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