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"Please, Tony. Put it down." Tom slowly turned around to face his brother. He was shaky and pale and wasn't even holding the gun correctly. The gun was clearly Tony's old service weapon from the Great War. Tom thought that maybe he could get it from him, but he didn't want to risk it. "Please."

   Tears streamed down his brother's face. "I wanted us to be friends again, Tom. I did. I wanted to move on. I guess I couldn't."

   "Put it down, Tony. Put it down. Please. I want to see my wife. I want to see my grandchild."

   Tony's determination wavered for a moment, but then he tightened his grip on the gun. "I had to have Declan killed. Now I have to kill you." He cocked the gun and was about to fire when---

   "Stop! Put it down, Papa." Daisy was  standing in the doorway. Angry tears ran down her face. "How could you kill Declan?! I loved him! We were to be married!"

   Tony pleaded with his daughter though a he didn't put the gun down. "Daisy, I couldn't lose you. I couldn't."

   "We wouldn't have left, you know. We would have stayed. We would have raised your grandchildren in this house. Right here. But now, now you will lose me. Forever. I will make sure that you never see me again. Now put the gun down. Now."

   Tony put the weapon on his desk slowly and clapsed into his desk chair, sobbing hysterically. He ran his hands through his hair. "Oh my love, what have I done?!"

   Daisy turned to leave, but gave one last regretful look at the pitiful figure that was her father. She brushed a tear from her cheek and walked out. Tom stood helplessly before his brother, absolutely speechless. He was shocked to once again find himself alive. Then he followed Daisy out.

   He found her crying on the bottom step of the grand marble staircase. He sat down next to her and put his arms around her.

   "Oh, Uncle Tom. I-I can't believe it. I can't be here anymore." She cried into his shoulder as she had done once before.

   "I know, Daisy. That's why I'm sending you to London with Andrew."

   "Wh-what? London?"

   "Yes. To go stay with your aunt and Andrew's wife."

   She nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, I suppose that does sound nice. A fresh start. Oh, I can't wait!" And she ran up the stairs to pack. Tom smiled after his niece. He hoped that eventually, she could move on.



   Four days later, the inhabitants of Milton Hall gathered on the airstrip to wave goodbye to Daisy and Andrew. Declan's Aunt Mavis hugged Daisy for the longest time. Tom had a feeling that Daisy was one of the only reminders of Declan that she had left.

   Tom shook hands with Ronnie Winston who said, "I hope to meet again, Brooks," and then boarded the plane. Andrew hugged his father goodbye.

   Tom smiled at him and said, "Say hello to them from me...and give your mother this." He handed his son a thick, cream envelope.

   Andrew nodded. "I will. I promise. I'll miss you, Dad."

   "And I'll miss you. Godspeed."

   Then Andrew walked up the steps and boarded the plane. Daisy walked over to her uncle and hugged him. He kissed her on the forehead and she smiled.

   "I don't know what I'll do without you, Uncle Tom."

   "Much, I expect."

   She laughed. "I will. I won't forget you and I won't forget this place." She looked up at the manor on the hill and sighed, seeing her father descend the front steps with two servants in tow. They were carrying his bags.

   "I guess we're all moving on." She gave her uncle a peck on the cheek, saying, "Goodbye," and quickly mounted the stairs into the plane. He waved as the group on the airstrip stepped back to allow the plane ample space to take-off.

   The plane ascended, taking its passengers off to London. Tom turned back toward the manor and observed his brother for a moment. Tony had his hands in the pockets of his coat. He watched the plane as it faded into the distance.

   Then, shaking his head sadly, he put his hat on and got into his town car, his driver having the vehicle ready. Then the car sped away. Tony Bellevue had just left Milton Hall for good.



   That evening the plane arrived at a large airstrip just outside of London. The passengers stepped out of the aircraft. Daisy was wobbly and held onto her cousin, having never flown in an airplane before.

   There were two cabs waiting for the group. Ronnie got into one and directed the others to get into the other, but not before saying: "Go wherever you like, but come to Whitehall on Monday, Brooks. Eight o'clock."

   Andrew nodded. "Yes, sir." The pair got into the taxi cab and Andrew directed the driver to take them to The Royal London Hospital. "It's where my mother works," Andrew said, giving an explanation.

   As they drove, through the dark streets, Andrew was shocked. He had never seen London under the influence of a blackout. As the car drove through the streets, a home guard stood in the way of the taxi.

   He rapped on the driver's window. "What do you think you're doing, sir? Your headlights are bright. This is a blackout."

   The driver leaned his head out of the window. "I know it is, what are you, thick? The government has commandeered my car to take these people to their destination. Now move on."

   "I'm sorry, but it is my duty--"

   "I don't much care." And he sped off. "These home guards are too big for their britches, if you ask me."

   They arrived at the hospital and Andrew tried to pay the cabbie put he informed him pleasantly that someone had already paid him. Daisy and Andrew ascended the steps of the hospital gingerly in the darkness. Andrew led her to Dr. Stanford's floor.

   He was nervous and he felt awful. He and Cora had never had a reconciliation after what he had done. How would she feel about him coming home?

This is War✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora