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Although some of his fellow pilots were hospitable and kind to him, Tom Brooks found that not everyone was glad to know him. He commanded a small group of six special recruits. They had been specifically selected to carry out a covert bombing campaign on German towns and cities.

   Tom was glad he was going to be actually helping sooner rather than later: the infantrymen who were currently in Her Majesty's service had not been utilized as of yet.

   The six pilots were: The Scot, Declan O'Connor, who was friendly and respectful despite his rebellious streak, three Englishmen (James Cranston, Sam Hancock, and Sir Thomas McDonald) who were generally well-behaved (excepting Sir Thomas when he didn't want to do something and tried to pull rank), a Frenchman named Henri Toulouse who hated Tom with all of his heart, and, oddest of all, an American who never spoke named Jack Smith.

   His name was almost certainly fake, but he was quick to follow any orders and he never got drunk, so Tom was happy. They trained far into November. There was one mission planned for November 22nd, but after that, they had to wait for winter to pass; The officers of Whitehall weren't willing to put their pilots' lives in the hands of carburetor ice. Tom highly disagreed with this assessment, but he never argued with his superiors.

   The distinct lack of missions made him wonder what exactly the government was waiting for. The day before their first mission, Tom decided to take a walk in the garden. He began to dwell unhappily upon the long separation of him and his wife. Due to the secrecy of their operations, Tom and Ellie weren't allowed to talk over the phone or even send letters to one another.

   He wondered vaguely what Ellie was doing. He also wondered what his son, Andrew, was doing. Were they happy? Were they safe? He was interrupted in his musings by a nearby noise. It seemed to be coming from behind a tree. It sounded like a young man's voice. He spoke quietly, "I love you. I'll see you again."

   A moment, then: "Promise?" It was a young woman's voice this time. Then, apparently in answer, he began to kiss the girl. Tom wasn't sure what or who he had stumbled upon, but he felt awkward and made a concerted effort to be quiet as he turned to leave. Just then, a thought occurred to him: Who was the only young lady on the premises?

   Tom cleared his throat. "Daisy?"

   He heard a gasp. "Shhh, he can't know you're here."

   Tom stifled a laugh. "I already know someone's with you, Daisy."

   "Alright, Uncle Tom, but you can't be mad." Daisy came out from behind the tree with the man she was with. It was Declan O'Connor.

   He looked sheepishly at his superior officer. "I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." He began to walk away.

   Tom sighed heavily. "Wait." Declan froze, clearly terrified. "Come here, both of you. O'Connor, you aren't here to fall in love. And you Daisy, you are not here to seduce the officers. You both have your places and this isn't it." He looked at them in sternness.

   "Uncle Tom, please don't tell Papa, pl-" Tom held up his hand to silence her.

   He continued. "However, the government doesn't seem to understand young love." He broke into a grin.

   Daisy was confused. "You mean to say that you were teasing us?"

   Tom nodded and said, "Yes, dear, unfortunately for your father I remember what it's like to be young and in love. In all seriousness, you might want to consider telling him. I think he deserves to know, but it's not my place. I don't know you both too well."

   Declan sighed in relief. "Thank you, sir."

   "Just know, Declan, that if you hurt my niece in any way, I will have you fired and sent away forever."

   Declan's eyes widened. "Are you joking again, sir?"

   "Not really, O'Connor, no."

   Daisy pushed her uncle playfully. "Stop scaring him, Uncle Tom."

   "Fine. Declan, we have to make sure your Spitfire is ready for tomorrow, let's go."

   Declan followed him to the landing strip. "Sir, what do you think the consequences would be if Mr. Bellevue found out about Daisy and I?"

   "I don't know exactly, Declan, but I know that they would be grave."

   O'Connor gulped.

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