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Group Captain Tom Brooks arrived in Scotland just a few hours after he had originally taken off from the airfield in Brighton. He stepped out of his plane, disoriented by the unfamiliarity of the place.

   The airfield was situated on a high cliff by the sea. He looked out absentmindedly over the waves and thought about how idyllic the setting would be if there wasn't a war going on. The place was still beautiful, but the rows of Spitfires on the airstrip dampened the feelings of peace and quiet that one would have felt if they weren't there.

   Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted. "Are you Group Captain Brooks?" A young man with red hair who looked to be about his son's age stood looking at him curiously. He had a thick Scottish accent and a cheery grin. He clearly had not even begun to imagine the horrors of war.

   "Yes, I'm Group Captain Thomas Brooks. And who are you?"

   "I'm Flying Officer Declan O'Connor, sir."

   "Nice to know you, O'Connor. Where are they expecting me?"

   "In Milton Hall, sir. It's just up the hill."

   Tom turned his attention to a gloomy yet elegant mansion that graced the top of a nearby hill. "Thank you, Sergeant." As he made his way up the slope, a sweet smell wafted down to his nose and he wondered what it was. When he arrived on the top step of The Hall, he saw the cause: a well-attended rose garden, situated behind the house.

   Tom entered the grand mansion and took off his gloves. His heart skipped a beat when he realized that on his left hand, where his wedding ring had resided for twenty years, there was an empty space. His eyes frantically scanned the hardwood floor and he began to retrace his steps. "Where is it?!"

    "What are you looking for?" A young lady descended the marble steps and stood in front of him. Her face looked strangely familiar, but he couldn't place it.

   "Hello. I'm looking for my wedding ring. I must have dropped it somewhere."

   "Oh, no! Let's look outside, shall we?"

   As they turned to go outside, an angry man's voice yelled after the woman. "Daisy! Get here this instant! I've told you many a time that you are not to associate with the airmen! Now you-" The man stopped abruptly as he entered the hallway and saw Tom.

   Tom stared. The world seemed to shift beneath his feet as he laid eyes on an individual whom he thought he would never see again.

It was his brother, Tony.

   "Tony? Brooks?" His brother flinched at the unfamiliar name.

   "No. I much prefer my given name, Anthony. My surname is now Bellevue. It was my wife's."

   Daisy looked at the two men in amusement and said to Anthony, "You know him? Papa, I thought you said not to associate with servicemen?" Her eyes glittered mischievously.

   Tom stared at his brother. His brother stared back. He was much taller than when they were young and his dark hair was flecked with gray. He also wore heavy glasses that gave him the overall air of a rigid, wealthy landowner who hadn't laughed or joked in years. Wherever Daisy had gotten her sense of humor, it clearly wasn't from her father.

   "So...she's my niece?" Tom jerked his head toward Daisy. Tony nodded slowly.

   "Wait, you mean that, oh! Papa! Does this mean I can talk to this serviceman? My uncle?"

   Tony nodded sternly again. "Yes. He is your uncle. Uncle Thomas Brooks." Tom thought he caught a hint of a sneer, but he chose to ignore it.

   "Can I show him to his room?" Daisy bounced up and down on her heels excitedly.

   Her father rolled his eyes. "I do not care." And with that, he left the entryway with a flair.

   "Let's go on up, Uncle Tom." So they went up the grand staircase, Tom's missing wedding ring long forgotten.

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