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The next day, late in the morning, Tom and Ellie were in their kitchen listening to the radio. Their old one had been thrown out of the upstairs bedroom the night before by Tom, who had subsequently gone out early that morning and bought a new, shiny radio, decked out with all the bells and whistles.

They listened in pure shock and horror to the message being delivered over the radio: England was going to war with Germany. The husband and wife turned toward one another and locked eyes. They had braved the Great War side by side and they knew they would brave this one together as well.

Tom felt guilty because he knew that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't enlist in the military again and he knew his wife knew that. Ellie felt fear because she knew that her husband would enlist again. She was also afraid because now her child would go off to fight too.

Andrew walked into the kitchen and came upon his parents looking at each other in silent communication. He only occasionally found them like this, but he knew that when he did something big was happening. He turned off the radio, not paying attention to anything that was being said on the air. "Dad? Mum?"

His parents both broke from their shared trance and turned to their son. His mother said something first, "Tom. I-I can't do this again! I can't!" Her voice broke and so did profound anguish, which washed over the family. Silent tears streamed down the woman's face.

Was it worth it? Was the last war worth it? Would this one be worth it? Would the lives it would cost and the pain it would cause be worth it all over again?

Andrew looked from his father to his mother and back again. "Dad, what happened?"

"We're at war...again," was all that escaped his lips. It was merely a hoarse whisper.

"What? Like the Great War?"

His father nodded and took his wife's hands in his. "Ellie, I love you, whatever happens."

"I know. That's why it hurts." And she left the room, blinded by a flood of tears. Tom looked down at his now-empty hands.

"Dad, I don't want to leave Cora."

"I know. It's not what we chose, but it's what we've been given."

Andrew nodded and said, "I have to go tell her. See you around dinnertime?" His father nodded and he left the kitchen. Now Tom was all alone and he could think. He paced up and down the room, his mind buzzing with new thoughts all the time.

Would the RAF or other military branches accept him into their ranks again? After all, he was over forty. Where would he serve? Where would his son serve? Would they survive the duration of the war?

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