• forty five •

Începe de la început


Chris and I were currently at my good sis Gabrielle Union's house for her birthday party and we were having such a great time that we were still here kicking it even after most of her guests had left. Matter fact, I was probably having an even better time than Chris judging by how tipsy I am right now.

"You want some more champagne girl?" Gabby asked, approaching me and waving a full glass in my face.

"Nah, she good." Chris chuckled.

"Nigga don't speak for me." I said jokingly. "...I think I am good though. I've had enough."

"Shit, I'll drink it then." She plopped down on the sofa across from us then killed the whole glass of champagne in one gulp. Sis is really trying to get herself bent. Her and D Wade are gonna have a lot of fun once the rest of us leave.

"Oh it's definitely going down tonight." Dwyane said out of nowhere as if he read my mind. He sat next to Gabby and put his arm around her.

"Please crack my girl's back," I said to him, "she deserves it."

"With my old ass, he might end up literally cracking my back." Gabby joked.

"Girl, old where? You may be turning 50 but you don't look a day over 35."

"Well if it's one thing that won't crack, it's that black."

"And that's on period!" I agreed, and we stood up and met halfway for a high five.

"Dawg, how the hell do we be dealing with these crazy ass girls?" I heard Dwyane ask Chris.

Chris laughed, "I'm used to it bruh. You should see her with Kelly."

"Oh my gosh, I really wish she could've been here!" Gabby whined.

I frowned, "I know, I know. She wanted to come but her due date is really close so she can't be doing too much. She did tell me she was gonna send you a gift soon to make it up to you."

"Oh hell no, girl you better stop her! Tell her she don't need to be worried about me, her only focus should be on popping that baby out."

"I'll be sure to let her know." I chuckled.

"Let her ass know right now before she places that order!"

I laughed at her shenanigans before grabbing my phone to hit Kelly up, but a text message from Trey stopped me in my tracks.

"Oh shit... shit shit shit."

"What's wrong?"

I quickly turned to Chris and showed him my phone, "We gotta go."


Once Kelly and I got to the hospital, they immediately took her into a room and checked her vitals and the baby's heartbeat, then transferred her into a maternity suite and hooked her up to all these different types of machines. It's been almost two hours and while the nurses claimed everything was okay, the only person Kelly trusted was her OB-GYN, who hasn't arrived yet.

"Baby you sure you don't wanna take a nap or something? I know you're tired." I said to Kelly, watching her just lay in the bed staring off into space.

"I need to be awake in case something happens."

"Are you in any pain?"

She shook her head no, "I honestly don't feel a thing, and that's what's scaring me."

"Aw Kelz, don't be scared. I think this is a good sign. If there was anything serious going on, trust me they would not have you chillin in this room right now."

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