G is for Goodbye

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He felt himself being pulled away, but he kicked and screamed Harry's name.

"Wake up, please!" He screamed, as people watched with sympathy.

Harry was dead.

And it was all his fault.



Louis looked up from where he was sitting by the window and saw Liam, Niall and Zayn standing in the doorway.

He had been quiet this whole time, but watching their confused faces made him cry.

He broke down and the two rushed over to hug him.

"He's dead. Harry is dead."

The three boys wanted to cry too, but clearly Louis needed them to be strong, so that's how they acted.

"I-It hurts s-so much, I-I don't know what t-to do," Louis sobbed.

"It's okay, Lou, we're here," Liam said.

"We'll always be here," Zayn added, while Niall stayed quiet, scared to talk and break down.

"I-I thought Harry would always be here, b-but he's not anymore."

"Shh, it's okay, Louis. You'll get through this," Liam said quietly, yet he didn't sound convinced.

Louis disagreed.


"It's so different."

"I know."

"He should be here. He should be running down the stairs and kissing me and asking how my day was."

Louis stared at the empty staircase with tears in his eyes, as his three friends placed their hands on his back.

"You can stay at one of our places if you need to."

"No - I just - I need - I need to be here. Before his smell is gone and his presence fades."

Louis tried to hold it back but he choked out a sob and Liam pulled him into a hug right away, tears falling from his eyes as well, while the other boys joined in on the hug.

"It's okay, Louis."

"No, it's not."

"It will be. You can live without him, I promise."

"He's been in my life for the past 9 years..I don't remember what it's like without him.."

"I know, but you lived without him for the first 18 years of your life. You can do it again."

"But I don't want to," he sobbed.

The boys just held him tighter.


Louis stood in the doorway of their bedroom, staring at the messily made bed from that morning.

Not even 9 hours earlier, Harry was laying there, with Louis, alive and breathing.

But now, he was in a crematorium, lifeless, and Louis was alone.

He never got to propose to him, and he never saw him in a suit on their wedding day, and he never got to see him with their child, and he never got to grow old and celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

He didn't get these things and he never would.

Because Harry was gone. He was gone and he wasn't coming back.

Louis didn't know how he was going to survive. First his mum, then his sister and now his soulmate.

Did he do something to deserve this much pain?

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