C is for Coming Out

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{16 year old Harry comes out to Louis}

Louis: 18
Harry: 16

Word count: 603

Word count: 603

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Harry had always struggled with his sexuality. He always found himself looking at the boys and just wanting to befriend girls, but he didn't ever think much of it.

He thought for a while that maybe he was bisexual, but he didn't feel comfortable telling anyone if he wasn't sure.

He knew for sure when he was 16 years old and first met Louis Tomlinson, who was 18. They ended up in a band together, handpicked by Simon Cowell himself, with 3 other guys.

The other guys were nothing compared to Louis in Harry's mind. He was in a trance when the older boy sang, and his voice made his knees weak.

The two got close pretty fast, spending a lot more time together than any of the other members did.

Harry didn't want to get his hopes up, but it seemed like Louis liked him back. He hoped it wasn't just in a friendly way.

So one night, when it was just the two of them in their shared room, Harry decided he was going to tell Louis he was gay.

They were halfway through their first movie of the night, and Harry kept trying to think of the right words to say.

"Want more popcorn, Hazza?" Louis asked, snapping Harry from his intense thoughts.

"Yes, please."

Harry nervously played with his thumbs until Louis returned with a full bowl of popcorn.

"Hey, um, Lou?" Harry finally spoke up.

"Yeah?" Louis glanced over for a second and then back at the tv.

"Can I tell you something?"

As soon as Louis heard the nervousness in Harry's voice, he paused the movie and turned his full attention to the younger boy.

"Yeah, of course, Haz. What is it?"

"Um.." Harry's face was red hot as he nervously twiddled his thumbs again. "I'm gay."

Louis didn't say anything right away so Harry began to nervously ramble on, "I never really knew for sure. I thought I was bisexual for a while, but I didn't really like girls. And the first day I saw you, I knew I didn't like girls at all. And I thought you were flirting with me these past few weeks but I don't know-"

Harry was forced to stop talking as soon as he felt a pair of lips press against his own.

He was frozen in place, as the older boy kissed him so gently, as if he thought he'd break with too much force.

Louis pulled away - too soon, in Harry's opinion - and looked at the younger boy sitting in front of him.

"You kissed me," Harry said in disbelief, still not able to wrap his head around it, his cheeks stained a hot pink colour.

He couldn't believe his first kiss was with someone so hot and nearly 3 years older than him.

"I did."

"So you like me too," Harry was still a little baffled.

"Yeah, a lot."

"Oh," Harry continued to blush so he looked away to feel less embarrassed.

"Was that your first kiss?"


"Sorry. I should have made it more special."

"Don't apologize," Harry finally looked up, his curls falling in his eyes. "It was special.. 'cause it was you."

Louis grinned and reached over to push Harry's hair away from his face. "You big cheeseball."

Harry scooted a bit closer, his heart beating faster than ever, as he leaned in to kiss Louis again.

They were soon interrupted by the 3 other band members piling in, not even shocked at what they saw.

"I knew it!"

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