S is for Sick

840 17 3

{Harry gets sick, so Louis takes care of him}

Louis: 23
Harry: 21

Word count: 623

Word count: 623

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Harry never got sick.

He did a good job of keeping his body healthy and free of germs, plus he had a pretty good immune system.

So when he woke up one morning with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose, he was incredibly annoyed.

"Louis," he croaked out, immediately regretting speaking afterwards.

Louis popped his head in from the attached bathroom, a towel around his waist and a toothbrush in his hand.

"Yeah, love?"

"I don't feel good." Harry curled up into a ball on the bed and sniffled, trying to free up his nostrils but to no avail.

Louis tossed his toothbrush away and rushed over to his boyfriend to feel his forehead.

"Baby, you're burning up."

Harry groaned in response.

"I'll get you some medicine and then I can make you some tea, okay, love?"

The sick boy nodded weakly, so Louis went back into the bathroom and came back a few minutes later, now clothed in sweatpants and holding a handful of pills and a glass of water.

"Here, sit up, love."

Louis sat next to him on the bed and gave him the pills, along with the water.

Harry painfully swallowed the medication before he fell into Louis' lap, groaning.

"I never get sick," Harry managed to mumbled out and Louis started to stroke his hair comfortingly.

"I know, Haz, but I promise I'm gonna do everything I can today to make you better as soon as possible."

Harry smiled tiredly up at his boyfriend with thankful eyes.

Louis tried to lean down for a kiss but Harry placed his finger on the boy's lips.

"No, I don't want you getting sick too."

"So I don't get to kiss you all day?" Louis whined.


Louis frowned but didn't protest.

This would be a long few days.


"Do you want to take a bath, love?"

Harry was curled up on the bed, covered in several blankets and surrounded by used tissues, half asleep.

Too tired to speak, the ill boy just hummed out his response and Louis chuckled.

"I'll get it running then."

Once the bath was full of hot water and bubbles, Louis went back to get Harry, only to see him completely passed out, snores escaping his wide open mouth.

Louis still thought he looked adorable.

Not wanting to waste the bath he'd drawn, he decided to just get in it himself.

After taking care of Harry for the past day and a half, he was kind of exhausted, so he needed this. 

He sunk into the warm water with a satisfied sigh and let his eyes fall shut in relaxation.


Louis' eyes snapped open to see Harry standing in the doorway with a blanket wrapped around him.

"Sorry, Haz, you fell asleep and I didn't wanna waste the water."

"S'okay," Harry yawned and shed his blanket and sweats, before joining his boyfriend in the tub.

Louis smiled softly as Harry leaned against his chest, the older boy's arms going around his waist.

Louis then pressed a kiss to the boy's shoulder, to which Harry sighed happily at.

"Thanks for taking care of me, Lou," Harry mumbled, head leaning back all the way so he could look at the older boy.

"Anytime, love."

The sick boy smiled tiredly. "I love you, you know."

"I love you more."

Harry shook his head. "Not possible."

And though Harry had asked him not to, Louis couldn't resist anymore as he leaned in and kissed the boy.

"Lou, you're gonna get sick for sure now," Harry told him with a frown and Louis just shrugged, tightening his grip on the boy's waist.

"Worth it."

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