D is for Drunk

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{Louis gets drunk and may just admit some feelings for Harry}

Louis: 21
Harry: 19

Word count: 1779

Word count: 1779

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"Let's party!" Louis shouted as he entered the living room, where the other 4 boys were sat.

All of them were finally of drinking age, since Harry's birthday last week, and Louis was incredibly excited for them to go out together for once.

"God, you're loud," Harry jokingly complained and Louis winked at him.

"You know it."

"Alright, save it for the club, you big flirts," Liam said, as he ushered his friends out the door.

What a dad.

They got to the club less than 10 minutes later, not having to wait long to hail a cab, and since Louis and Harry's place happened to be quite close to their favourite bar anyways.

It wasn't long before Niall, Liam and Zayn all found girls to dance with, while Louis and Harry sat at the bar together.

Louis was much quicker at drinking, already on his 3rd while Harry was still sipping his first.

"C'mon, it's your first legal night out! Drink faster!"

"I'm not a fast drinker, leave me alone."

Louis rolled his eyes and asked the bartender for six tequila shots.

While Harry stared nervously at the tray, Louis grinned.

"Now these, you can't just sip. And trust me, you don't want to."


Louis was a lightweight, even if he had more drinking experience than Harry.

By the third tequila shot and another beer, he was pretty much gone, and yeah, Harry definitely felt spinny and his body was warm, but he wasn't as giggly as Louis for sure.

"I wanna dance!" Louis exclaimed over the loud music. "Come dance with me!"

Harry shook his head. "No, I can't dance."

Louis rolled his eyes and got up with a groan, rushing over to dance by himself for now.

He was so drunk.

Harry just sat there and watched him, sipping some fruity drink the bartender made for him.

Louis really was in his own little world as he danced to the music, his eyes closed.

Harry just couldn't look away, he thought the older boy was absolute art.

But as soon as some skanky chick tried to join in with Louis, Harry felt himself standing up from the bar stool and shoving his way in between the two.

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