G is for Goodbye

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{Louis didn't see the car. And now he has to sleep alone every night}

(I am so sorry)

Word count: 1947


"Harry, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

Harry then walked down the stairs, looking as wonderful as always, and pressed a quick kiss to Louis' lips, to which the older boy smiled at.

God, he was so in love.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Finally. Let's go."

Louis followed Harry out their front door and locked it behind them, before the two got into their car, Harry in the passenger seat and Louis deciding to drive.

As soon as Louis pulled out of the driveway, Harry turned up the music and began singing along to some stupid song Louis forgot the name of.

"You're such a dork," Louis said as he glanced over with a grin.

"It's why you love me," Harry singsonged and changed the radio station, as Louis pulled up to a red light.

"There's no good songs on, ew," the curly haired boy complained.

"You're the most annoying person to drive with. I'm about to take away your radio privileges."

"No, I'm sorry!" Harry left it on the original station and Louis laughed.

"You're so cute."

"You're cuter."

Louis reached over to hold the boy's hand, as the light turned green and he began to drive through the intersection.

It was too late to stop. Louis didn't even see the car until it was plowing into Harry's side, flipping them around until they landed upside down.

Louis blacked out for a minute and when he opened his eyes, all he saw was broken glass and blood.

Immediately, he looked over at Harry and let out a loud sob when he saw a huge piece of glass jammed into the boy's stomach, his eyes closed and blood covering his once gorgeous face.

"Harry," Louis cried, trying to undo his seatbelt and reaching over to grab his boyfriend.

He could hear other people talking and he knew there were firemen trying to get them both out, but he couldn't focus on anything but Harry's scarily still body.

Louis didn't want to believe this was happening.

"Harry, wake up, please," Louis sobbed, tears blurring his vision.

He hadn't even checked to see if he had any injuries, his entire body was numb.

He must've blacked out again because when he opened his eyes, he had been removed from the wrecked car and was on a stretcher.

He took the oxygen mask off and sat up to look around, trying to find Harry.

"Where's Harry?"

"Sir, you have been in a horrible accident. Please lay down."

"Where is my boyfriend?!"

Louis turned around and noticed a black bag being zipped up, and he felt his world crashing around him.

He got off the gurney, despite the protests from the paramedics and ran over to the bag, pushing everyone out of the way as he kneeled down to unzip it again.

"Baby, no," he sobbed, tears falling rapidly when he saw how pale the boy was. "No, no, no, this isn't real. Please, come back. I'm so sorry," Louis let his fingers brush across Harry's lifeless, blood-stained cheek, crying hysterically.

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