L is for Lifeguard

893 21 31

{In which Louis pretends to drown to get the hot lifeguard's attention. Things don't go as planned}

Both: 20

Word count: 1351


"Louis, don't be stupid."

"I'm not being stupid."

"Yes you are. You can't pretend to drown just to get the lifeguard's attention! Why can't you just go talk to him?"

Louis gaped at his friend. "Are you kidding? He's like an angel or a model or something, I can't just go talk to him."

Liam rolled his eyes. "You are such a pussy."

"Gross, I don't wanna be one of those."

The two found some chairs by the pool and tossed their stuff onto them, before Louis began to look around in search of the hot lifeguard.

Soon enough, the boy stepped out of the water, and time seemed to slow down as Louis stared at him.

Water fell off his perfectly chiseled, tattooed body as he ran his fingers through his wet hair.

Louis' mouth was wide open at the sight, and Liam had to smack his arm to get his attention

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Louis' mouth was wide open at the sight, and Liam had to smack his arm to get his attention.

"You're drooling all over the deck, mate."

Louis smacked him back and threw himself down on the chair, sighing.

"Lou, why don't you just go talk to him?"

"He doesn't know I exist, Liam."

"That's because you've never talked to him," Liam responded in a "duh" kinda tone.

Louis glared over at him. "You know what I mean. We've come here almost every day since it opened two months ago and he's never even looked at me."

"Maybe he's just looking when you're not," Liam shrugged and that made Louis think.

He looked over to the boy sat in the lifeguard chair, sunglasses now on his eyes.

Louis had no idea the boy was staring right back at him.


"Okay, you remember the plan?"

Liam rolled his eyes and splashed water at him.

"Of course, you've been talking about it for a week."

"Good. Let's do it."

Louis began flailing around in the deep end, attempting to look like he was drowning, though he fully knew how to swim.

"Help!" Liam shouted towards the hot lifeguard. "My friend's drowning!"

But before Louis' crush could even leave his chair, a different lifeguard jumped in from the other side and helped Louis out of the water, who now had a child-like pout on his face.

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