W is for Who Tops?

918 27 16

{Liam, Niall and Zayn get into an argument about who tops in the Larry relationship}

Louis: 19
Harry: 17

Word count: 217

Word count: 217

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"You're so wrong!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"As much as I wanted to stay out of this conversation, I have to agree with Liam," Zayn interjected.


"No way! Louis is so tiny, no way he tops," Niall said.

"Harry may be taller, but he's extremely awkward, especially around people he likes," Zayn stated.

"Yeah, Louis tops!" Liam exclaimed.

"No, Harry does!"

"What the hell did we just walk in on?"

The four turned to look at the doorway, seeing Harry and Louis standing there with concerned faces.

"Nothing," all three said in sync and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Hazza, did we just walk in on them talking about our sex life?"

"Pretty sure we did," Harry responded.

"This Irish moron thinks, in some crazy universe, that you could top," Liam said to Harry.

"Hey!" Niall exclaimed, offended.

"It's true. There's no way Harry could top," Zayn interjected.

"Yes he could! No way Louis tops!" Niall jumped in.

"Okay okay, calm down. You realize that we're standing right here and you can easily ask us, right?"

The three shared a look before they all exclaimed, "Who tops?!"


Niall groaned.

Liam and Zayn high-fived.

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