At Night

17 6 1

A/n: Ik Ik. I'm supposed to finish felicity. But this I couldn't help.

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He comes at night
In the very last part
In the last third quarter
He comes then
When no one stirs
When no one is up
He comes and leaves a note
A note on all door steps
A note on all windowpanes
A note on all bedsides
A note written in shimmering gold
Just one message
One message for all
"Is there anyone who seeks?
I will give whatever you need"
Carte Blanche
Ask whatever
Avail the offer
Avail it now
Because it ends soon
At break of dawn
The very instant the sun comes up
The notes vanish
The offer invalid
Nothing left for no one
And after that
They all wake up
After missing the chance
After losing the gem
They all wake up
And He has gone
But grief not
He'll come again
The next night
The last third quarter
With the notes
Words written in gold
"Is there anyone who seeks?
I will give you whatever you need"


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