Icarus and the Sun

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A/n: yea yes, I know it's not real. Ive read Greek myth. Both in Rick's books and in other books. But it's almost two at night, and I can't help it. It's s bit messy—I'll make it better later— but here it is.

Icarus and the sun.

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Daedalus, the great craftsman
Gave his son a pair of wings
He, then taught him how to use them
And what dangers did they bring

'Fly too high, or fly too low
The End it'll be for sure'
Fly in the middle, protect the wings
Cause there wasn't a pair more

Icarus, the son, nodded excited
And donned the wings of wax
Nothing was better then the sheer feel
No gold or jewels in stacks

Then, he flew, he rode the winds
Glided with the flapping birds
World became a speck below him
Houses and towers and herds

He felt alive, he felt free
There was nothing to stop him
So he flapped the wings, flew higher
His face split in a grin

And that was when he felt it,
A draw, a pull, a tug
He felt a scorching presence
Pull him into a hug

Never before he'd burned like this
Never loved the way it felt
Never before he'd been this close
Never, like this, had been held

Icarus forgot everything he knew,
His father's warnings and all
He forgot the world and its wonders
He couldn't remember it at all

Enchanting was her sheer presence
Icarus could not let go
Who was she? What was what he felt?
He wanted, so much, to know

Icarus didn't want anything more,
He held everything he'd ever require
Sun was his one true love,
And his life he would spend by her

The sun smiled and embraced him
Flames of passion danced in her eyes
And the winds pushed them closer
Higher into the skies

The heat of Sun's love, seared his body
Bone and flesh and skin
But the intensity of the moment
Damped the pain Icarus was in

Enslaved in love, he really  found
What they called true freedom
This blistering heat made him feel
Like a king in his own kingdom

Sun pulled Icarus closer to herself
Not willing to ever let go
But he was slowly melting, falling apart
She ignored it, if she did know

And so, it happened, wings caught fire
They burned slowly, one by one
Icarus only knew when half were gone
His End had long begun

He burned slowly, but did not wail
Scream or yell or cry
The sun saw it, tried to soothe him
As much as she could try

They both knew, it was the end,
But they'd not differently have it
To love someone, they knew, it is
To slowly melt while at it

It lasted for a breath, their story of love
Ended just as it had begun
And the searing tale of love went down
As Icarus and the sun



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