Rain again

28 8 5

Standing in a corner
In all but vain
A girl stood, silent
Looking at the rain

Had it been months?
Had it been years?
She wanted to touch
But she feared her fears

Little drops of water
Harmless or no?
But without a touch
She would never know

The little puddle at her feet
That sure felt harmless
But she wanted to be sure,
And she couldn't be unless...

Maybe extend a hand?
Check and test first
Didn't matter if everything else
Stood under it with thirst

If she could, shed ask the plants
If the rain was hurting them
Or maybe ask the floor board?
The rain was puddling on them

Why not check yourself?
Asked a voice in her heart
Or was it the luring pitter-patter?
She could not tell it apart

Whomsoever it was,
The girl closed her eyes
She'd go out there again
Even after a hundred tries

She took a deep breath
Then took a step forth
A shiver climbed up her spine
She thought by my troth!!!

The little drops were chilly
And they tried to pierce her skin
But they lacked the power
To rip apart and get in

The girl extended her hand
Drops came to rest on her palm
She looked at the water
So clear, so calm

The girl smiled and looked up
Drops fell on her face
And then just like that
The girl just stood there, in a daze...



A/n: every year, for five years straight, it's been happening. The last bit of July, whole August and the first bit of September, I don't like to go out in the rain. No particular reason, just memories. The memories associated with this time of the year and rain.

But after the time passes, after a little effort and the luring voices from the rain, I'm pulled back into its mesmerising beauty and then....

Then near-poetic things like this happen. XD

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