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A/n: dedicated to an awesome friend, cadmiumtroops25 (he's the one who wrote the first stanza^^) check out his works too. They are awesome!

I hope you guys like this piece. Do let me know what you think eh? Comment and vote. I can't be more clearer.



Some people fly,
Some go hiking
Some swim, some surf,
some go scuba diving

Some people break hearts
Some play with them
Some people leave the hurt
Some stay with them

Some people push lines forth
Some wait for their turn
Some people talk to hear themselves
Some are just taciturn

Some people watch people
Some people are being watched
Some people mock people
Some people are being mocked

Some people love themselves
Some love all others
Some people rather stay alone
Some become brothers

Some people live in the world
Some are lived by the world
Some people play with words
Some are played with a word

Some people are hollow
Some are over flowing with joy
Some people dripping hope
Some people just standing by

Some people coming in
Some people going out
Some people very thin
Some people very stout

Some people have sheeps head
Some just part hair that way
Some people have frog legs
Some just walk that way

Some people love the wild
Some simply belong there
Some people never stay still
Some rather just stand right here

Some people are strict vegan
Some actually live on meat
Some stand while they wait
Some just take a seat

So, Remember the old advice if  you
Don't wanna look like you're dunce
That "all people are different
You can't please them all at once"


Lines and rhymesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα