My World

47 20 10

A/n: 20th of March is the international day of storytelling. And so at this day I thought "yea! Why not tell a story?!"

Though I'm late and the day here is about to end, I wish all the storytellers happy storytelling day. Do vote. And yeah, let me know what you guys think. I really love it when I get your feed back.



Sick of all the noises, she
Locked the door behind her
She had run away from all
The straps trying to bind her

She was fed up from their rants
And the things they had to say
Trying to make sense out of it,
Like finding a needle in stack of hay

She took out the key too
And threw it under the bed
She didn't want to go back,
She'd rather rot here instead

Finally alone, she took
A deep breath of relief
She no longer now had to
Stick to her immortal grief

She made her way silently
To her small walk-in closet
She opened the bottom drawer
And there, at the base, was it

She removed the dust off it
And coughed due to the cloud
But she didn't care now, 'cause
Of herself she was proud

She took the notebook back
To her bed and sat cross legged
She opened up from where
A bookmark lay, of colourful thread

The tears went away, all dried up
On her lips a smile appeared
All the ghosts went away
And so her vision cleared

She caressed the paper
But didn't look down
Her eyes shown
A sparkling brown

Right in front of her
Stood a lady in blue
Her radiant beauty
Like roses bathed in dew

She smiled at her
And extended a hand
The girl took it
And got forced to stand

The lady then led her
Right back into her closet
And there she saw the treasures
She once did deposit

Many more notebooks
Like the one in her hand
And many more people
Like a surprise had been planed.

"Welcome home, dear."
Said the lady sweetly
A kid who gave her flowers
Rolled his eyes discreetly

The girl laughed inwardly
And then greeted everyone
Just seeing them smile
Was such great fun

"Where were you all this time?"
Asked a guy in his late teens
She couldn't help but notice
The cuts in his new jeans

"We only care that you're back."
A girl glared at him
Then she looked at her and smiled
"Don't listen to him"

"Now now, Don't fight."
The woman shook her head
At the two teenagers
Then to the girl she said

"Where you all this time?
We all missed you dear
It's been so long
Since you were last here"

The girl smiled and
Opened her mouth to reply
That's when she saw him
The pretty little boy

She picked up the toddler
And kissed him on the cheek
He yelped at the sudden move
His protest, but was weak

She put him down
And sat on a chair
Crossing her legs and
Roughening her hair

The people talked to her
And she replied back
She felt so close to them
Like they were her pack

For hours they talked and
Joked and enjoyed
They asked her questions
And she replied

But she had written in the notebook
Meanwhile, and she didn't knew
"...The world I share with my self
Is better than the one I do with you..."


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