
46 19 35

Keeping her head down,
She rushed down the street
A hand placed over her heart,
Trying to control its beat

Feet, one after an other
Teeth dig into her lip
She moves very cautious
Hoping she doesn't slip

Dark curls of her pony tail
Sway from side to side
The twinkle in her eyes
The shade of her cap hides

She just rushed on alone
On the dark deserted street
One thought stuck in her head
Her strong wish to meet

It had been a long time
Since they had last seen
She wondered what happened
She wondered where he'd been

Finally after a long time
She found herself there.
She felt inside hear heart
A suddenly lit up flare

He was sitting on a bench
Head held in a palm
Other tapping on his knee
Looking not at all calm

His beautiful brown eyes
Were staring at the street
She went a bit more closer
Very quiet and discreet

But then like always
He felt her presence
He looked up right at her
And smiled at her appearance

Then he stood up in a hurry
And he then stepped ahead
He stood close to her
Ruffled the back of his head

She waved her hand a bit
Meaning more than to say hi
she pulled a lock of hair back
Because she was a bit shy

A smile played on their lips
They looked in each other's eyes
Forgotten everything
The world and its  lies

They stood there with each other
The world dissolved around them
They were floating in the sky
The universe revolved around them

Their eyes couldn't believe it
They were finally here again
They didn't care for the world
They'd face them later then

Now that he was there
She put up a hand
She needed to feel
She could no longer stand

Her fingers reached out
He extended his own
They met right between them
Separated by a wall unknown

She closed her eyes took a breath
Press her hand against the wall
Feeling the warmth of his presence
Through the cold glass wall

The two smiling, separated by glass
Stood there an other eternity
World could think they were isolated
It was nothing at all, but vanity


Lines and rhymesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora