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A/n: Just a bunch of thoughts put together. I've got no idea if it makes sense... but I find it nice. :)

Please vote and comment, your thoughts matter a lot to me.


I got lost in your smile
As our walk stretched to a mile
Forgetting all for a while
That my heart was fragile

All by ourselves, but it's okay
They won't be seeing it anyway
All they do is nod and say okay
To them, it's an act with a part to play

Joining pieces to make peace
But they don't fit together with ease
No love was not like a breeze
So cold, all it did was freeze

I think we were a perfect fit
But that's just 'round about it
Between us was love, legit
But one fell in, one out of it

All of it stuck in my mind
And memories still intertwined
Fears dark, that fatal kind
Rows and rows of thoughts aligned


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