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A/n: the pic above is a piece by William Wordsworth, "we are seven" do read it. I really like it.

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We used to say;
"we are seven"
And our worlds
Were like heaven

Children of three
brothers and sisters
We were such jolly
Ladies and misters

Yes, we were seven
—What a joy it was,
Making the house,
with our excitement, buzz

We used to play scary
Games all night
And then hid under
The our bed with fright

Sleepovers, outings,
Birthday parties
Teasing our dear
uncles and aunties

We chased after one an other
We caused such a racket
Once they hid our favourite toy
They thought we couldn't take it

We climbed each other's shoulders
And we searched all high places
At last we found it and showed them
The mocking smiles on our faces.

We hid each other's shoes
Then looked for them all day
Once we searched the whole house
Then found them it in the alleyway

Once, with an aunt
We went to a park
And, stared at us,
All those in the car park

As we came out,
A file of kids on the street
Our aunt hid her face
As someone she'd greet

They thought we were
All her kids
Some early teens
And some in mids

Oh what a joy it was,
Those days we're gold
We used to say "we'd stick together,
Until we got old"

We were little naïve children,
Life was full of laughs and shrieks
Boys and girls, we were like siblings
Seven nasty little freaks.

But then one day, we grew older
And one parted his way
"I am not a child, these games are silly"
He said and went away.

We tired to solve it
We called him back
But he, on us,
Turned his back

We were broken,
Unable to fix
Once we were seven
Now we were six

The seventh one
Never came back
And so, we cried
When we hit the sack

Never did we
Laugh again like that
Never did we
Play again like that

Now when one
Asks us who are we
We say "we're seven
Or we used to be"


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