Parallel lines

40 19 10

A/n: so I was reading some poetry of a friend when I came across this.

"We were like
Parallel lines
Always passed
One another but
Never met at
The same time..."

Zarbab Rahman

So I wrote this.



Our paths are the same
We like to play the same game

Once we fell off of a bike
Even our bruises were alike

Unconsciously, we make same moves
One rejects what the other disapproves

What we like, we both do
What we dislike we both do

We end up making the same plans
Finishing things in same time spans

We like the same type of foods
Even the same swings in our moods

We have the very same time table
And like the same brand and label

Always making the same choices
And making the same noises

We even watch the same cartoons
And spend alike our afternoons

Like parallel lines we went on forever
And so we crossed only at never


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