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A/n: yea... rain does things to my head XD. I still can't believe I'm the one who wrote this. But yeah, I did. This work is all mine and no one else's.

Hit the star in the corner and make it shine. Let me know what you guys think about the rain in the comments. Your thoughts matter a lot. Not only to me, but to everyone.

Umm... am I missing something? Hmmm...

Oh yeah!



How beautiful it would be
Your head in my lap
And somewhere abandoned
Lays my unattended cap

A cup of coffee in one hand
I mess with your thick hair
While you read me a book, the
Scent of which hangs in the air

We'd be seated on your couch
The afternoon on a rainy day
The pitter patter of the drops
A sound I wish I could portray

I tug gently at your hair
Try to knot them in a braid
You chuckle in the mirror
To see what of your hair I've made

But you don't mess with my work
And keep reading me the book
And to be honest, on you
I really like this messy look

We read a tale of undying love
A famous play of Shakespeare
The girl calls from her balcony
The boy says to her "I'm here"

A smile spreads on your lips
As you read on and on
Of tales of love and hatred
Forgotten lands and tries forlorn

We stay there together
For more than forever
A promise made unsaid
We'll forget this only at never

We listen to the rain
As it keeps singing it's song
How beautiful it would be
To stay like this for so long...


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