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Omg school tomorrow  aww I want it to be summer forever I don't want to go back there was a knock at the door I went to open it  it was Alex, oh hey it's been a long time how you been
Alex- I'm good how about you
Good just was going to go for a run you wanna come
Alex -sure sounds fun
Oh, and happy birthday so are the alpha now of the pack?
Alex - yep I'm the boss of the whole pack
Wow how does it feel to be alpha  is it cool or boring 

Alex- it's cool I'm the boss and I get to tell everyone what to do

Will not your friends you can't tell me what to do haha
Alex yea yea I know
Me and Alex got are things we needed after and turn I was a grey wolf with blue eyes he look at me and I said race u Alex- you're on!
Oh yea bring it on I ran as fast as I could and he was Right on my tail he was close to my side and I move up more and jump over a little lake and stop fast ha I win you lost  I'm faster then you

Alex, I know you are so do you think I'll find my mate she look at me
I don't know you might find her at school or around town you will find her Alex I'm still looking so let's be  mateless together
Alex ok  sounds  good I've got to go but thank you for the run I'll see u tomorrow at school right
yeah, why would I not be at school and your welcome for the run it was fun I seen him turn back and put on the outfit he pick  he wave and said cya and ran off and I stayed in my form for a bit longer before going back home.

My first shift book 1#Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu