What a day..

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I was at home studying for at least three test tomorrow when I heard a knock on the door.

I sucked my teeth and took off my glasses.

"Who the hell?" I swung the door open to see Trey standing in front of me smiling.


"You happy to see me?"

"Yeah, but I'm busy."

"Too busy for me?" His smile turned into a frown.

"Well, I have three test tomorrow so..."

"Alright." He turned around and started walking off.

Shit, I didn't want him to go because I did enjoy his company but I had to ace these test tomorrow. I didn't wanna be behind or anything.


He turned around and gave me a sexy smile. Damn, he was finer than I thought.


"See! I told you, you're gonna ace these test tomorrow! !"

Trey was helping me study.

"I guess you're right." I took the textbook and closed it, then I put away my glasses.

"So what made you come today?" I asked Trey.

"I wanted to see you."

"You see me everyday. "

"So. I wanted to see you again Melanie."

"Awww, that's cute."

He blushed. "Man, where you wanna go today? "

"Uhmm, I think we've been everywhere Trey, seriously. "

"You're probably right." He put his hand on my thigh.

"Boy, get your hand off my thigh." I smacked his hand.

"I was just resting my hand. Dang."

Lying ass. I chuckled. "I am not stupid."

"Clearly, I know that smarty. You got school tomorrow? "


"That's cool. Ya bf gonna take you?"


"Girl don't play dumb."


"Yeah, that nigga."

"He is not a nigga. He's my friend."

"How long you knew him?"

"About as long as I met You."

"Hmmm. "


"I bet you met him through some female."

"Actually, I did. Through my good friend."

"Yeah." He laughed and started scrolling down his phone. "I think we should hit up Bailey's tomorrow night."

"What's that?"

"Like an arcade place, lil hangout spot. Gotta lil club scene too. The food is real good though. "

"Sounds good."

The Next Day

I was walking with August to a table in front of the school.

I pulled my phone out and tried calling Aubrey. He hasn't answered since the last time We talked. I don't even know why though. Guess he was busy. Oh well.

Jɛaʟօʊs [ Chris Brown  ]Where stories live. Discover now