Erin wants me to talk to Aubrey..

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Text messages

'I hope you're not ignoring me 👺'


'Call me hun'


' Hey beautiful 😏'


I called back Erin as I text Trey.

'Hi Trey'


"What's up girl?" Erin said answering the phone.

"Cool in man. Dad just left me to an appointment and I have nobody to take me to the University. I need to get to a class." I huffed.

" Where's Aubrey?" I could feel her smiling.

"I don't know. I haven't talked to him."

"Are you ignoring him again?"

"No. I just haven't had time to talk to him."

"Because you've been caught up with that Trey guy. Aubrey told me."

"Girl whatever."

"I'm jealous just like Aubrey. This Trey probably gets all the phone time too."

I laughed. "Stop Erin. Trey and I don't even talk that much on the phone. He just calls when he's around the corner."

"Must be everyday."

"Be quiet Erin. I'll call Aubrey back because I know that's why you called me." I giggled a little knowing her tactics.

"Good! & pick me up around 9 so we can go out. I need some rich food."

Lol "Bye Erin."

I can checked my text again before I called Aubrey back.

'How are you? What you up to? How'd you sleep?


'I'm good, thanks for asking. I'm about ready to go to class today. I slept good. Wbu?'


Before I could call Aubrey, he called me lol

"Hello?" I giggled a little.

"Heeey. Hope I'm not bothering you."

"Not at all. I'm sorry I haven't return your calls. I just been busy with school and stuff. Nothing personal."

"No offense taken. How's that"

"Good. I actually have a class in like an hour and 15 minutes."

"You need a ride?"

"I do actually. Did Erin tell you?"

"Naa, she didn't. I was just asking."

"Oh, well then come pick me up. My address is 11278 334th Place."

"That's two blocks away from me. I'll be there in like 5 minutes."

"Yay!! I'll be ready."

He chuckled a little. "Alright beautiful."

We both hung up and I got my things and made my way out the door and locked it up before Valentina came strolling over to me.

"Melanie!" She hugged me tight.

"Hey V." I smiled. " you look cute."

"Thanks girl. I'm glad you're warming up to me calling me V and shit."

We both giggled. "Yeah. How are you?" I asked checking my mail.

" I'm great, just waiting till 5 o clock. I have stupid class! Why are you out here?"

"Just waiting on my ride. I have class in an hour."

"Oh. That's what's up. When you get back, maybe we can chill or something."

"Of course."

Just then Aubrey pulled up smiling.

"Aubrey!" Valentina said waving.

"Hey Tina." He said waving back and opening my door.

I got in waved at Tina and he drove off to the school.

"Well, here we are." He put the car in park and looked at me.

"Thanks Aubrey." I hugged him.

"You want me to walk you to class or anything?"

"Naa, I'm a big girl."

"Okay, so what time do I need to pick you up? "

" 11:15 if you can please." I said with puppy dog eyes.

"No problem."

I got out and walked into the building.

After Class

The professor let us out 20 minutes early and I went to the vending machines for a snack.

"Hey August why you ain't come to class?" I heard the guy waiting behind me shout to another guy.

"Shit. I was outchea drawing up some logos." He replied.

My rice krispies got stuck.

"Fuck!" I said punching the machine.

" Damn girl." The guy behind me said.

I heard someone chuckle then hit the machine one good time and a bunch of snacks fell. I looked up to see August offering me the snacks in his hand.

"I'll just take the one I paid for. Thank you." I said as I walked off.

"Aayy nigga. I'll take those." His friend called out.

I could hear him chuckling behind me.

"Them krispies the best thing these machines got to offer." He said.

"Amen to that." I said taking a seat at a table.

He sat down beside me.

"August, right?" I said turning my head.

" Yeah, and you're Melanie, Trey's friend."

"Yes. Nice to see you again."

"You too. I never see you around here."

"This is actually my first time here."

"What are you takin up?"

" I'm just here for the little business class. The three week assessment course."

" Oh, me too. I don't like orientation cus it's a waste of time but Ima go tomorrow." He said eating chips.

"You better. We actually have a test tomorrow."

" Damn foreal?"

"Yeah. It's just on general knowledge though..about business of course. I'm just mad as hell that our books cost $175, we won't even be here long."

" Damn. Mr. Alcot trippin. I hope I pass this test. I don't know how IMA get $175 though. I don't get paid till next week."

Just then Aubrey pulled up.

"Well, that's my ride. but look, My dad might actually have the same books in his inventory, he taught this class last year so I'll make sure to bring you one tomorrow if he does. See you tomorrow."

"Thank you. See ya tomorrow."

I walked off and hopped in Aubrey's ride.

Jɛaʟօʊs [ Chris Brown  ]Where stories live. Discover now