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I got off work early today, thank God! Chris had been working me like a slave. All he did was play games on his computer and take calls. That man was super lazy. Uhggghh! Well, thank goodness all I had was a week left with him and then I was done!

I made my way up to my door and looked into the window to see Trey, Samantha and Dad sitting at the dining table.

"What is he doing here?" I shook my head and hoped that I could slide in and up to my room quickly without them seeing me. I got passed them sure enough until my phone started ringing. I looked down to see Chris calling me. What does he want?

"Hello? What do you want? I just left you." I whispered. "I was making sure you made it home safe." He sounded like he was smiling. "Mhmm, I'm home. Goodbye." I hung up in his face. Now to my room...

"Melanie!" Samantha yelled surprised. Shit! "Oh, hi Samantha. I didn't know you were here!" I fake smiled at her. "Of course not. Honey, she's here!" She said smiling and walking off.

"Princess!" Daddy came and hugged me. "Hey dad." He kissed my forehead. "How's work?" He put both hands on his hips and cheezed at me.
"It's good..but Chris is..." I started. "Honey, we're gonna be late. Lets go!" Samantha yelled. "Coming! Now what did you say honey? Make it quick we have to go." I sighed. "Nothing. Have fun!" He hugged me and kissed my cheek once again and skipped out the door.

That nigga must be pussy whipped. I shook my head. "Mel, lock the door!" Samantha said so I turned around and went downstairs and did so. I wonder where they were going because they had a bunch of suitcases. Another trip? I rolled my eyes and locked the door until I heard a knock. Man, who the hell? I looked through the window to see Trey.

"Melanie." He smiled and grabbed me into a hug. "Where you been hiding?" He closed the door behind him. "I've been busy working. Sorry." He licked his lips. "I see. You look cute in that uniform." I pushed him playfully. "Shut up Tremaine." We both laughed.
Two hours later

We both fell back on the bed from our pillow fight lol

"You crazy." He breathed heavily. "So, you started it." He hit me in the head with my pillow one last time. "Boy!" My phone began to ring. "Lucky ass. Hello?" I said trying to catch my breath. "You busy?"

I looked at Trey who was looking at the tv. "No Aubrey. What happened? " Trey's eyes got big.

"I wanted to see you." He said softly. "Awww, I have company right now though so..." he sucked his teeth. "I hope it ain't who I think it is." I sighed. "Aight. Let me know when y'all done." I rolled my eyes. "When he leaves I'm going to sleep."

Aubrey sucked his teeth again. "Nah, he probably spending a night again." Trey rolled his eyes as he heard him. "He is not spending a night. Calm down." I replied. Trey sucked his teeth "Yeah I am baby."

"So y'all together now?" Aubrey snapped. "No, I'm gonna call you later." He simply hung up.
I looked at Trey who was laughing to himself.

"I didn't know my name was baby." I smirked. "I just said that because he was trippin like he don't know you my girl." I looked at him crazy "Trey I am not your girlfriend." He chuckled all the way to the door and opened it "not yet."

An hour later I heard knocking on my door. "Who the hell?" I stepped out the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I peeped out the window to see Valentina.


"Girl open up!"she banged hard.

I swung the door open and put my right hand on my hip. "What the hell is your problem V?"

She looked me up and down and bit her lip. "Mmm, looking good."

"Whatever" I replied letting her in. "What brings you buy this late?" I walked up the steps to throw some clothes on as she followed me.

"Nothing. I was home alone and decided to come over." I dropped my towel on the bed and put my undies on. "Damn." She mumbled.

"What?" I asked hooking my bra. "Nada." She smirked. "Isn't your sister there? " I asked.

"She's out with her lil boyfriend." A confused expression came across my face. V giggled. "She's straight again." We both chuckled.

"So you staying the night ? because I am beat. I need sleep and I have work tomorrow."

"I'll stay." She Sat in my chair and watched tv as I laid down to knock out.

Next Morning

I woke up to a wonderful smell in the kitchen. What is this girl up to? I smiled to myself.

"Hey sleepy butt! I made breakfast!"she cheezed and flipped a pancake.

"Dang. You're such a good friend." I sat down and started grubbing while she finished the pancake batter.

"This is good!" I smacked.

"Good. You need your energy before work babe." She smiled and sat down.

"Damn. What time is it?" I looked at the clock to see 10:45. "Fuck! I was suppose to be there at 10:00 today."
I ran upstairs and got dressed and shit and ran downstairs. I grabbed Valentina and dragged her out the house and we made our way to my job.

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