Oh, Aubrey..

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"How was class?" He asked me.

"Good, actually."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Home so I can lay down before I have to get Erin tonight."


We pulled up to my house.

"You can come in if you want." I thought about ignoring him for a little minute.

"Alright, I have nothing to do right now."

I locked the door behind Aubrey and he followed me upstairs to my room.

"So this is where the Princess sleeps?"

I smiled big. " Hush!" He sat down at the edge of my bed as I took of my shoes and laid down. I flicked on the TV and felt myself nodding off immediately.

"You can lay with me." I said smiling.

Aubrey took his shoes off and crept into my bed and laid right behind me with his arms around my waist. It was so comfortable that I fell asleep instantly.

I woke up around 6:30 to Aubrey massaging my back.

"That feels good." I said lowly.

"I know." He smiled. "I'm trying to be a massage therapist soon."

"Nice career." I turned around and looked into his eyes.

He smiled and leaned in but I got up to look at the time on my phone.

"It's 6:30. You wanna head over Erin's?"



We got our things & I packed up a bag to spend a night at Erin's.

At Erin's

"You guys hungry?" She asked us.


"Let's get pizza hut."

She grabbed the house phone and called while we went to her room and got comfy in her bed.

"Well, well look at y'all?" Aubrey was over me massaging my back.

"Just trying to finish what I started."

I rolled my eyes at him.

By the time the pizza came Erin was sleep at the edge of the bed.

We both devoured the pizza and I hopped in the shower to get ready for bed. When I came out Aubrey was arguing with someone on the phone. I think it was a girl so I just kept quiet.

"Whatever man, think what you want it doesn't matter. Bye." He grabbed his jacket and walked out the room.

I walked behind him and got my hoodie following him out the door.

"Aubrey, wait up!" I called after him.

He stopped and turned around.

"What's wrong?"

"Shit. That was just my ex."


"I mean it's nothing to be stressed about but I just need to clear my head."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. I mean, she keeps finding shit to be mad about knowing we're done. She calls me everyday to talk down on me.."

"Maybe you need to change your number?"

"Ain't no use. She'll get it from my mom and if the baby is mine..."

Jɛaʟօʊs [ Chris Brown  ]Where stories live. Discover now