Never too late..

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I grabbed his face and kissed his forehead hoping she would see that. Lol.

I guess she did because she shouted "Ima call you baby." Before she hopped in the car and drove off angrily.

"So why didn't you tell me it was your birthday?" I asked him as he grabbed my hand and we sat on the porch.

"because it wasn't that important. You should've known though, I did say party."

"It is important and everyone has parties throughout the year, birthday or not."

"True." He smiled.

"Well, is it too late to say Happy Birthday?" I smiled back.

"Naa, it's never too late."

"Well, Happy Birthday!!" I hugged him tight. "I wish you many more too."

"Thanks Melanie." He kissed my cheek. "You ready to go home?"

"What time is it?"

"Almost 3 in the morning."

"Oh man. It is late as hell lol. Yeah, I'm ready."

Month Later

I was finishing up my registration paper for this class at the University that would help me start my business career :)

"Melanie, I'm leaving off with Samantha, I'll be back at 5."

"but I need a ride to the campus for this class."

"Oh shit. When?" He looked at his watch.

"In an hour and a half daddy."

"Hmm. Well can't you drive?"

"My car is in the shop getting color."

"Melanie I told you it was nice the way it was, now you don't have a ride to go. I can't be late for this appointment at my office and I still have to see Samantha later. Call Chris."

"Daddy Chris left three years ago!"

"Well what about Erin?"

"She's on a business trip with her mom. She won't be back until 7 tonight."

"Well I'm running late baby. Good luck. I love you." He then shut the door.


I packed my bag and checked my phone.

8 missed calls

3 text messages

[5] Missed calls from Bestie [Erin]

[2] Missed calls from Mom

[1] Missed call from Aubrey

Jɛaʟօʊs [ Chris Brown  ]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz