Where you going girl..

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I woke up around 3 am.

I don't know where the hell I was so I started to freak out.

Someone grabbed me from behind.

"Get off me!"

"It's me..Trey." he flipped the lights on.

I sighed and held my chest.

"How do you feel?"

"I have a headache.."

"Your ass got drunk as hell."

"Oh man." I giggled.

"I'm glad you feel better."

"I need to take a bath."

"Alright. Ima go and let you handle that." he said getting up

"Nuh uh. Go run my bath water." I smiled.

He chuckled and did what he was told.

40 Minutes later I got out as Trey wrapped me up in a towel and picked me up. He laid me on the bed and I flipped over and covered my bottom with the towel.

"You want a massage?" he asked licking his lips.

"Yeah." I winked at him.

"Alright, but I only give deep tissue massages."

I giggled. "Legggoo then."


Me and Erin was just getting comfy at Bailey's. I heard the food here was poppin! I had to come see for myself and since Melanie wasn't answering my calls and shit, I took Erin along with me.

"It's super crowded here." she said looking around nervously.

"I know, we'll never get a seat."

"Well then let's go home." she smirked.

"What is there to do at home?"

"Make a pizza or order one and watch movies."

"Yeah, we did that the other day with Melanie."

"Well now we can have time to bond."

"I wonder what she's doing right now."

"Being boring."

"or with that nigga Trey." I said rolling my eyes. "Or August."

Erin laughed and shook her head.


"That's Melanie for you."

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

She looked at her watch. "Let's go talk in the car. I don't want to put anyone's business out."

We got in the car and I started playing some music. Erin grabbed my hand and held it tight.

"Remember when you asked me out in middle school?" she asked.

"You asked me." I chuckled.

"and you said yes." she looked at me and licked her lips.

"You okay?"

"Im good. Just hungry."

She placed her hand on my cheek and pressed her lips against mine.

I found my way up her bra and played with her nipples. She moaned my name a couple times and started stroking my penis.


Trey was turning me on every time he touched my body. I could've melted.

"Mmm, Trey."

"Shhh baby, don't start that..yet."

I giggled and pushed him off me and exposed myself.

All he could do was lick his lips.

"Whoops." I smiled and laid back down.

"Why you doing that?" Trey smiled.

"You just turned me on." I rolled my eyes.

"My bad." he scooted closer to me and kissed my neck and got up.

"Ima see you tomorrow."

"you aint going no where!" I closed the door and locked it.

Trey's face


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