"I didn't realize what time it was." Mason said as she walked out onto the steps and down the pathway to the gate.

Sebastian was sliding his phone into the pocket of his leather jacket, and in his other hand was a bag of food. A backpack was wrapped around his shoulder. "It's okay."

Mason opened the gate and then closed it behind them. "My homework is killing me."

Sebastian laughed quietly and followed her up the steps and into her condo. The door locked behind them and Sebastian looked around her home for the first time.

"Wow this is..."

"Really dark? I know. Johnny likes it. Wait till you see my room." Mason said. Then she realized how it sounded. "I meant like..."

"Oh, I know exactly what you meant. But I don't put out that easily." Sebastian winked at Mason before setting the bag down in the kitchen counter.

Over the course of the few times they've hung out, and the never ending text messages, Sebastian didn't get nervous around her very often. He had taken Johnny's advice and is going very, very slow with her. He did not want to scare her away.

"Anyway!" Mason yelled in embarrassment. "I'll give you a tour. This is the kitchen..." She pointed to the TV room with a wall of windows that overlooked Central Park. "That's my living room."

"Wow, it's almost like a normal place."

Mason ignored his sarcastic comment and walked towards the spiral staircase. "This is my favorite spot. I love spiral stairs."

Sebastian tried his best not to look at her ass as he followed her up the stairs.

"This is Johnny's room." Mason pointed to the brown door. "He's not here though. That's the bathroom, and then here is my room. Be aware of the mess."

She pushed open the door and walked back into her room, tossing her phone in the bed.

Sebastian followed her in and immediately looked around the room. One of the walls was made up of a window, with black curtains partially hiding it. The wall opposite of it was completely made of shelves and nearly a hundred books sat comfortably on them.

Her bed was enormous and high up, and the black blankets were a mess on top of her bed. Though the floor was clean, she hadn't bothered to make her bed.

"It's cute. It smells like you." Sebastian walked over to her desk and looked down at the mess on it. "Wow this looks..."

"Complicated? Not so much. That's actually the easy part." Mason moved to stand beside him. "Sorry it's a mess. I'm basically going insane with it."

"I'd offer help but..."

"It's okay, I know you're an idiot."

"Thank you, for that."

Mason laughed as she gathered up her things and held them in thin arms. "I'll do this homework downstairs and you can distract me. I need a break but can't take one so."

Sebastian was held captive by her green eyes for only a moment before he swallowed and nodded. "I brought dinner."

"What did you bring?"

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