"Well, what better place to start then you, Ellen."

"For those of you who don't know, who may be to young to know," Ellen looked at the audience. "Mason was on my show twice before. Once when your old show kicked off and again in 2009. She's practically an Ellen Vet."

Mason laughed and leaned against the back of the chair, crossing her legs. She felt more comfortable than before as she grew used to the eyes on her. "It has been a while, yes."

"Well, you look amazing. Can we get a close up on her eyes, please?" Ellen looked at the camera man. The screen behind them displayed Mason hiding her face as the camera zoomed in on her.

"No, no!" Mason laughed in awkwardness.

"And you smell amazing." Ellen looked at the camera again. "She really does. Likes roses, I think. You should make a perfume."

"Oh, I don't know about that one. That's pretty much Johnny's thing. Go check out his makeup blog!" Mason snapped her fingers and pointed to the camera.

The audience cheered at the mention of Johnny Blue. The camera then turned to look at Johnny, who waved with a beat red face.

"I was going to ask." Ellen laughed before looking at Mason again. "Johnny has become quite the social media influencer the past year. How do you like sharing the fame with the other Blue?"

"Oh, he can have it all!" Mason joked with a smile. "No, seriously though, I couldn't be happier for him. He deserves it and he worked so hard to get where he is. He's the best big brother."

"And there is another Blue back home right?" Ellen asked.

Mason nodded very slowly, though she didn't say anything. Then a video displayed on the screen behind them and Mason's eyes widened when she realized what it was.

Ellen smiled at the video and then turned to Mason. "So... I do know that your younger sibling is not to be messed with. You're very protective over her. But if you don't mind... can you explain this video a little?" Ellen asked as the audience laughed.

Mason hid her red face in her hands before slowly letting out an awkward laugh. "I knew you were going to ask about that." She hummed.

"It went viral immediately. I'm pretty sure it became a huge meme too."

"Ugh, don't remind me!" Mason groaned. Then she turned to look at the crowd. "Okay so basically what happened was, my mother and sister came to L.A. to visit me on set earlier this year. As many of you know, my sister does not like the public eye. And one paparazzi got too close for my liking."

"You punched him in the eye."

"He touched me first! It was self defense." Mason crosses her arms as the audience laughed and cheered.

"I think it's lovely that you guys are so protective over each other. And you're all adopted, right?"

Mason nodded. "Yes, kind of. My sister and I are twins, and we were adopted together by my wonderful mom when we were a couple weeks old. And then Johnny, while he was older, came into the picture when I was about... five, I think?"

"So you and your sister are practically a genetic mystery, or miracle. Is it okay if I..."

"Oh, go ahead."

Ellen nodded respectfully. "As some of you may not know, Mason's twin sister has Down Syndrome. It's very rare when only one twin is diagnosed, isn't it?"

"It is. Really rare. My mother called us the wonder twins." Mason laughed. "Yeah... but it is rare."

Ellen nodded and moved on quickly. She knew that Mason was a very private person and wouldn't want to linger on her personal life for too long. "So your new movie, it's a psychological thriller? And it premieres next week?"

"Yes, and yes." Mason smiled. "It's called Hallow, and I am more than excited about it."

"Can you tell us a little bit about it?"

Mason smiled knowingly. "I cannot. All I can say is you should definitely go see it."

"Well I'll be there. I'm going to the premiere."

"Oh, thank God. I'll have a friend." Mason laughed loudly and the audience went along with her.

"So you'll be on Jimmy Fallon later this week, right? I love Jimmy, he's such a nice guy."

"I haven't met him yet. But I'm excited!"

"I'll be watching, for sure." Ellen laughed. "Alright so, we are about to break for commercial but when we return, Miss Mason Blue will be performing her latest single, Johnny Run Away. Can you tell us about that song? It released last week and is already number one across the globe."

Mason smiled at the success of her music; the idea of her song being number one around the world brought butterflies to her stomach. "Well it's my first time releasing a song with my own creative control. It's a song really close to home, to my family. Ahh all I can say is go listen to it!"

"Alright, we will be right back with Mason Blue."

The crowd cheered as the Live light blinked off and the show was set into a commercial. Mason breathed a sight of relief as her body visibly relaxed.

"You did great. Thank you again for being on the show. I hope the personal questions weren't too much." Ellen said with the upmost respect towards Mason.

"It wasn't. I appreciate it, really. And thank you for not asking about..."

"Hey, that's nobodies business but yours." Ellen reassured her. "Though when it's time for a tell all, you need to come back."

"You'll be the first I call." Mason promised Ellen. Then she stood up and went to have a quick costume change before she would need to return and perform her new single.

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