2|3|Trapped Inside

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2|3|Trapped Inside


I felt dizzy and it was a bit hard to breathe normally. My head felt heavy and large black and purple spots covered my sight before I fell back and felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and waist.

The last thing I remembered hearing was a low, unfamiliar voice murmuring, "We got her."


A dull headache was the first thing I felt the moment I woke up. My eyes still closed, I felt the rough ground upon which I was lying and something tied tightly around both my wrists and ankles. 

The wish to go back to sleep again was overpowered by my curiosity of where I was and unwillingly, I opened my eyes. They felt crusty and tired, like I always felt when I didn't have enough sleep (which was always). 

My right cheek was pressing against the hard, cold stone floor. I seemed to be in a prison cell of some kind because it was a small dark room with walls made of stone and two dim bulbs at the two ends of one side of the ceiling showered me with barely enough light to make out the metal bars on its adjacent side. 

There was an eerie silence all around, making it feel like I was all alone. I tried to sit up and when I succeeded, my eyes fell on the heavy metal balls attached to the chains of my limbs to ensure I don't escape. Well this was a first.

I looked at them in mild interest, wondering how they can be removed. Perhaps they had a key? The soft patter of footsteps was followed by a loud creak of the metal door and I looked up to see a completely unfamiliar person in front of me. 

He had dark brown hair that I would have mistaken for black if his head wasn't so close to the bulb; it was a low ceilinged room. He was good-looking but his face was impassive and eyes cold while he looked down on me. 

"Wh-," I choked because until then, I hadn't realised how dry my throat was. "Wat...er.."

The guy rolled his eyes but placed a glass of water and a plate of food that he had brought in with him; I hadn't seen it before, being too occupied trying to see his face. My left hand grasped the glass and the chain had barely enough length to bring it up to my neck– I had to lower my head to be able to sip the lukewarm liquid inside. 

After a few gulps of the water, I looked up at the stranger again and placed the glass on the floor beside the plate.

"Who are you?" I asked as casually as possible for me. I wasn't feeling scared, just a tiny bit angry about the headache that throbbed inside me. 

"Surprised you don't know me," the man smirked, before bending his knees to be on my level. "I'm Baekhyun of EXO. Ever heard the name?"

My eyes widened and that was enough for the man in front of me– he knew that I knew who he was. EXO was the second biggest mafia group after Bangtan and I had heard the name in passing between the Bangtan members.

"Well sweetheart, do you know why you're here?" He asked with a sickly sweet voice that made my stomach lurch.

"Um, no?" I said to him and his smile widened; he looked even more handsome and sinister like that. 

"You're what we call, ah, bait," his lips curled in a way I couldn't help but loathe because they had a sense of darkness behind it, like it was pleasing him to the core. "Kidnapping you will get Bangtan to us, and because we have you hostage, we have an upper hand."

"No you don't," I said clearly. He raised an eyebrow at my words. "You chose the wrong person for a bait. I'm not of that much importance to Bangtan, I'm pretty new and I'm sure they won't risk their lives over me."

I quivered my lips and made sorrow and agony stretch over my face to show him how much my own words hurt me. It was all acting but I could have won an Oscar because Baekhyun hesitated before his face contorted to its impassive steely one again. 

"We'll see," he stood up and dusted off his denim jeans. "You'll get food and a glass of water two times a day– waste it and you're not going to get anything."

He was about to go when I called out after him, "What about the washroom?"

He paused and seemed to think for two seconds before replying, "A girl will accompany you three times a day so no funny business and don't even think of escaping. We won't hesitate to shoot you."

I nodded and he left me alone in the cell with a half-full glass of water and a plate of what seemed to be rice and gravy. As I bent my head low to be able to eat it with the spoon they had so generously given along with it, I thought about my own words.

It was acting yes, but what if it was the truth? I hadn't known them for even three months fully... What if they thought I wasn't worth saving? The idea of being abandoned hurt more than the idea of being dead. 

As I spooned the gravy and rice in my mouth, I mentally thought that it was okay. It wasn't the greatest or the worst, but good enough to be edible. Then I thought of Jin who whipped up tasty dishes and whooped the younger members with a spatula.

It gave me a mad desire to laugh and I chuckled to myself as I ate through it slowly. Even if they don't come, they have given me enough memories to last the next few days. After all, if they don't come, EXO will make sure I'm dead.

But somewhere inside, I hoped that even if they don't come, they would still miss me and love me and the only reason they won't come is because it could potentially harm them. I would rather die than have my friends die for me, and mafia wars were the last thing I needed to destroy my new family.

With a renewed sense of cheeriness about my death, I washed down my lunch with the remaining water and then fell flat on the hard floor, hoping that if I fall asleep, my back won't hurt.


Updated/Published On:
20th July 2020

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