0|5|The Black Haired Bunny

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0|5|The Black Haired Bunny


"Let's go!" Ji-soo said excitedly.

I felt something weird in my stomach that moment.


The elevator took us to the second floor, since the Magic Shop bar was a two storeyed building.

"The second floor is all bedrooms," she explained. "Y'know, for customers who request us."

"More like demand," I muttered. She smiled and sighed at the same time, amused by my words. "What?"

"Nothing," she said as the elevator door opened to reveal a passage with dark walls and beautiful wooden doors at equal intervals. She took me to one that had two guards at the front. I looked around; there were no guards at the others. "Hey. Can I get my friend inside? She wants to meet him."

One of the guys looked me over suspiciously before his eyes flicked back to Ji-soo.

"I'll ask his permission," he grunted. "Don't expect much."

I felt like the last sentence was directed towards me but I didn't say anything. The man disappeared inside before coming back after two minutes.

"You can go in," he said. Ji-soo, straightened her dress and looked at me nervously.

"You slay," I whispered to her so that the two men couldn't hear us. "He's going to die over you."

She giggled and opened the door to reveal two men inside. One was sitting on a chair that was leaning against a bed and the other was standing next to him. Both of them wore black suits.

"Ji-soo!" The one on the chair smiled widely. Suddenly, I didn't know why, but I felt light and less nervous seeing him smile. Ji-soo smiled shyly. "C'mere, my love."

Ji-soo stepped ahead and I stayed behind. She reached him and slipped a hand into his own and he kissed it.

"I wanted you to meet my friend and I guess you had the same idea, huh?" He said with a smile. "Ji-soo, this is Jungkook, and Jungkook this is Ji-soo."

I couldn't help noticing that this 'Jungkook' looked like a bunny; a very dangerous bunny. He nodded at Ji-soo before looking her up and down suspiciously. I stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

"And, ah, Hoseok," Ji-soo said softly. I could see the care and love in her eyes and it was melting me to see her like that. "This is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Hoseok, the one I told you about."

I took this as my cue to walk up to him and raised my right hand. Hoseok shook it but I could see the surprise on his face.

"How come you wanted to meet me?" He asked with an amused smile. I blinked, and decided that honesty is the best policy right now.

"Just, ah, wanted to see the guy my Ji-soo was talking so much about," I said. "She only has me to look out for her, so I'm very protective. Don't mind me, though. You don't seem as bad as I thought."

"Ah?" His eyes darkened. "Did she tell you where I work?"

"Yes, but don't worry," I said with a smile, trying not to play with my sweaty fingers. "I'm okay so long as she is happy. Please take good care of her and don't let her... cry."

"I would never," he said, his eyes returning to normal. "Ji-soo and I have some, ah, work, so would you mind leaving? Please take this boy and maybe show him to a good room?"

My eyes widened and so did Ji-soo's. She immediately jumped to my rescue.

"She doesn't work here!" She cried out quickly. "She's not- not a, um..."

"Oh. My mistake, sorry," Hoseok laughed. "Looks can be deceiving, I guess. Then, please take him downstairs. Jungkook, buy her a drink."

"If you say so, hyung," Jungkook nodded, his face devoid of emotions as he turned to face me. "Let's go."

We both came out and one of the men joined us as we went down the elevator. I felt uncomfortable with the guard staring at me like that but I couldn't say anything.

We went up the trapdoor and out to the counter where Soobin-ah was waiting for us. I sat down and requested a glass of water. Jungkook sat beside me.

"What would you like to have?" He asked as he requested something for himself. I shook my head.

"I don't drink," I said plainly. He raised his eyebrow.

"Trying to give it up?" He asked in a piteous tone as Soobin-ah handed him his drink and me some water.

"No, I'm just not a fan," I said dryly. "So, are you a part of Bangtan, too?"

"The youngest member," he said. I could see the pride in him by the way his chest puffed slightly. "What do you do?"

"Teacher," I said as I sipped the water. "At an elementary school. And some part-time jobs here and there."

"Teacher?" He looked surprised. "Wouldn't have thought. You sure you don't want a drink? Atleast have one for my sake?"

"I don't want a headache later," I mumbled as I pushed away my water glass. He grinned. "If you have something like that, I'll have one."

"Uh-huh," he said and turned to Soobin-ah and did some hand gestures. Soobin-ah nodded and returned with a drink a minute later. "Here you go. Head won't ache."

"Are you sure?" I asked, biting my lower lip as I stared at the drink. It smelled sweet and nice. He nodded. "Okay, here goes nothing..."

"Cheers," Jungkook clinked our glasses together and we both drank out of it. I could feel the effect almost immediately.

My body started feeling tired and heavy and my eyes struggled to stay open. The drink was stronger than I thought.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard Jungkook's voice from my left but I couldn't speak anything. I was so tired, and I just wanted to sleep. "Hey!"

I hate being a lightweight.


Updated/Published On:
25th May 2020

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