Chapter 21

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I wanted to make sure Johnny was okay, but I didn't want to bother anyone about it. The boys were all at the rumble except Dallas and Johnny, but I knew they were out of commission. I was wrong about ome of them though. I watch as Dally's car parks in front of the house.

"I figured you were still here. Put your shoes on, and let's go," he says. I throw my shoes on, run outside, and jump in his car. I knew he was going to head to the rumble, but I also knew he was going to see Johnny after since he came to get me, "I am going to go fight in the rumble. You are going to sit in this car and not move. When we are done, I am going to grab Pony, and we are going to the hospital to see Johnny. Understand me?"

"Yeah," I could tell I said that with more enthusiasm as I wanted to, but Dally didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn't seem to care. He looked focused on getting to the rumble then the hospital. When he saw the boys standing there, he sort of half-ass parked the car, jumped out, and ran towards the guys. Unfortunately I listen to Dally, and I stayed in the car watching the rumble. Even though Dally told me to stay in the car, I was still hanging out the window, and I almost got out when I noticed Pony getting the shit knocked out of him. I really wanted to get out of the car when I watched one of the socs look right at me and start walking towards me. I jumped into the driver seat, locked all the doors, and screamed for Dallas. The windows were still open, so Dallas could hear me clearly. I watched as both Dallas and Soda turned around when I screamed. Soda got scared and bolted toward the soc coming at me. Now, there was a fight going on right in front of me, but all of a sudden, the socs took off back to their cars. The greasers won, but we weren't done yet. I jumped into the back seat while Dally almost carried Pony to the car. Darry was right earlier, Pony shouldn't have fought in the rumble. He looked bad, and he was bleeding all over his face. When they both got in the car, Dally shoved his fiot on the gas so hard I thought I had whiplash. Halfway there, a cop pulled us over. He walked up beside the car as Dally told Pony to look sick, and he told me to hold Pony's hand. He also told me to start crying, so I did. He must have already had a plan running through his head.

"Now you've gotta have a good reason to be going so fast," The cops told Dally.

"My friend, he crashed his motorcycle, and I'm taking him to the hospital," Dally seemed just like an actor. He was lying, we all knew that, but he was so good that the cop believed him.

"Is he okay?"

"I don't know. Do I look like a doctor to you? I mean, he looks pretty bad to me," he said. The cop looked at Pony's hand and up to me.

"Who's that?" He asked. I was thinking of my other and father, and how they died. I was almost crying a pool by now.

"That's..uh.. that's his girlfriend. She wouldn't let me leave without her," I didn't like that I had to be his girlfriend, but it worked.

"Okay follow me," It worked. I don't know how it worked, but it worked. Dally laughed, and we followed the cop with his lights on. When we got there, we kind of walked in like Pony was sick, but then we let Pony go and walked normally. We made it to Johnny's room, and he was laying stomach up on the bed with his eyes closed. I was already tearing up as soon as I saw him because he honestly looked dead. When we walked up to him, Dallas went on one side, and Pony and I went on the other side. I got as close to Johnny's head as I could, so he knew I was there for him. Dally talked to him for a little while, and I cried the whole time. I cried even more however when he turned to Pony, told him something, and then turned to me. I started bawling when he turned to me and told me he loved me. After that, the pillow sunk a little. Johnny was dead. My boyfriend was dead. I fell to my knees. I wasn't sure if I would be able to stand back up. Dally went crazy. Johnny was about the only person he loved, and now that person was gone. He ran. I didnt know where he was going, but right now, I couldn't even get up to see. I couldn't stand up. My legs had collapsed on me, and I couldn't stand up. Pony helped me up however and took me back to the house with him. All of the guys except for Dally and Johnny were sitting there cleaning themselves up. I didn't say anything to anyone. I just went straight to my room, jumped on the bed, and cried into my pillow. I stayed there for a while before Soda came in and told me Dally was dead too. My two best friends dead in one night. I couldn't believe it.

Time skip: two weeks

I have not left my room since the night Dally and Johnny died. Darry came in and talked to me yesterday about staying in my room. He told me I need to be more social like before, but yet again, I have lost my determination to be alive and talk to people. I stayed in my room.

Time skip: two more weeks

I finally came out of my room because it's the first day back to school. I wasn't the same however. I was changed. I wasn't as happy as I was before, and I wore all black now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~
I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I will be working on another one called The Curtis's New Sister. I will also be working on one called The House. I hope you guys like my stories, and last of all. Stay Gold guys. 💛

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