Chapter 14

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When I walked closer, Pony jumped out at me. He yells, and I yell at him for scaring me like that. Kayla comes out with a scared expression. She smiled which eventually turned into a laugh.

"Come on, Dally said for us to stay inside." I said starting to laugh with Kayla. Soon, Pony was the only one not laughing. Pony and Johnny were unpacking the stuff out of the box.

Pony saw peroxide, "Oh, no we ain't."

I looked at him with an 'are you kidding me' face, "Come on, we gotta. They're gonna have our descriptions in the paper, we can't fit 'em."

Pony put the peroxide down, "No, sir. You ain't touching my hair."

I looked over at Kayla, and she looked up from the ground, "Pony, Johnny's right."

Pony sat down, "Fine, be easy." 

I started cutting his hair hair while Kayla sat and watched Pony make faces of pain. Once I finished with Pony's hair, I went up to Kayla with my knife in hand.

"Johnny, no," I refuse.

"I'm really sorry Kayla. I really don't want to hurt you, but it's what has to be done," I was shaking like hell, but I  was going to start cutting. I stopped. I couldn't do it. I turned to Pony and handed him the knife.

"Johnny, why are you giving this to me?" Pony asked.

"I can't do it. I simply cannot hurt her."

I didn't want to hurt her on our second day dating, and I wouldn't even be able to stand it. While I was standing and calming down, Pony was cutting off a lot of her hair. I was too busy calming down to stop him from cutting so much off. When he finally finished, I gave Kayla a broken mirror, so she could look at her hair. She kept saying she hated it, but I told her over and over that it looked beautiful. Pony also cut my hair because Kayla wasn't willing to do it. Pony and I went outside to bleach his hair while Kayla looked at her hair in the mirror.

"Hey Kayla! Bring that mirror out here, Pony wants to see his hair!" I  yelled from outside. Kayla looked at Pony with a confused expression spread across her face before laughter took it over. Pony rolled his eyes at her, and she handed the mirror to him.

"Ugh, I hate it," he says.

"Come on, Pony, it doesn't look that bad," Kayla and I say in sync, trying to encourage him. She and I laugh, and we all walk back inside. We sit down to eat. The only food I got was bologna and bread, so that is all we will eat while we are here. After we ate, we played a few games of cards. I won two, Kayla won six, and Pony won zero. Kayla started playfully torturing Pony about not winning any, so he tackled her to the ground. I didn't know whether to intervene and just watched, and it soon turned into a wrestling match that Kayla won. The while time they fought, I just stared and laughed.

"Come on, Pony, you got to be better than that to beat me," Kayla instigated.

"Aw, shut up Kayla," Pony said.

"I hope you both know you have rolling around in dust and spiderwebs," I added in. Kayla quickly jumped up.

"Ew! I hate spiders!" Kayla yelled. She ran to me, and we all just kind of sat do to read. I had bought the book "Gone with the Wind," so Pony can read it to us. I felt that it would pass the time. He read about two chapters before Kayla, Pony, and me all fell asleep.

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