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Carter Wilson-1am

"BRIASIA? BRI! BRIASIAAAAAA" I look around while yelling, opening doors, moving things out of the way when I run right into some woman that I've never seen before in my life. She tries to stab me but I back up when she comes with a flying kick to my face I easily move out the way than grab her leg locking it in than using my elbow to break her leg, "CARTER!" I hear Briasia yell causing me to look in that direction than I snap the woman's neck "CARTER!" I hear her yell again as I take off down the long hall meeting another person who tries to fight me with his weak ass hits "pussy shot" I laugh as I grab him in a chokehold than snap his neck also "CARTER HELP HELP!" Bri yells.... A sharp object hits me in the back of the head

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