What you mad fo homie?

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Reece S.

      I finally make it to Briasia's house and the kids run up to me giving hugs "Hey babies" I kiss their foreheads "Hey Reece what's up" Bri sits on the couch and I sit on the recliner , My kids climb in my lap and lay on me "So the nurse came in my room right before I left and she told me some newsss" I look down than back up "Ookay?" Briasia raises a brow "I'm pregnant!" I say annoyed "Are you getting an abortion?" Briasia asks "Yes" I say "Okay well I support you Reece. I don't want you going through something you can't handle" Briasia says while texting on her phone "Who are you texting?" I catch an attitude "She's texting me ! Problem?" Carter walks in and I almost get up to punch her but than Reinna grabs my arm and puts it around her "She didn't hear..?" I whisper to Bri "Naw not at all" Briasia says while getting up and going in the bathroom. Carter sits on the couch and takes her shirt off revealing some cuts I immediately look away and keep my head held low "What's up Reece ? You came to play daddy haha" she chuckles "Reece I'm talking to you!" She speaks louder this time "Reece you're in my house at least be polite" Carter stands up and takes Briah from my lap and holds her "I want Reece" she says "Reece" Briah calls out "Man she's just a kid let her be!" I finally speak up "And if I don't nigga?" She sits up in her seat and stares at me my eye contact breaks once Bri comes out and Briah runs over to me I pick her up and she lays down on my chest "bae there's no peroxide" Bri says to Carter.
Carter ❤️ Wilson

"Aight well use whatever, I just need to be cleaned up" I say as Briasia wets the cloth in the rubbing alcohol than wipes my cuts. I bite down on my bottom lip and try my best to take it. Shit burns man ... "You okay baby?" She kisses my lips and I pull her in for a deeper kiss I can tell that Reece is getting heated and that makes me laugh inside. "Yeah I'm good!" I smile, Briasia puts bandages on my cuts than takes the kit back to the bathroom to put it away. "When are you leaving?" I ask "When Bri tells me to" Reece spits attitude my way and I chuckle "I wasn't the one who kidnapped you and fucked you up so what you mad fo homie?" I laugh "Hmmm" Reece bites down on her lip "Gone head SPEAK UP BABY I CANNOT HEAAAR YOU!" I sing but Reece contains herself. Briasia comes back out and hands me a clean shirt I put it on than kiss her and head back out to finish business. "I love y'all!" I kiss Bri than the kids and leave.

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