A Cut To The Face ...

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( Reece ❤️ ) One day Later

I put on my Xijex black boxer and sport bra , my Xijex navy sweat pants with my Xijex denim pocket T-Shirt and a denim and black hoodie , than I put on my black and navy Ralph Lauren high tops . "Baby" Ebony calls from the bathroom "what man?" I ask "I'm bleeding" she says "ok so clean that shit up" I roll my eyes "Can you at least look please , this ain't normal" she cries "nah see a doctor I'm not looking at some whore" I say slamming my closet door and grabbing my Gucci coat off my bed . "Bye see you later!" I say as I hand the dogs a peanut butter biscuit and head out !
❤️ Ebony 💔
" She just keeps beating on me Antony I don't know what to do , I'm not strong enough to beat her back" I cry as I talk to one of my brothers "Listen sis , All you have to do is say *do it* and you won't have to worry about some punk ass bitch beating on you." Antony speaks , I hear the seriousness in his voice "okay do it ! But I want to see" I say. "I got you sis let me call up the bro's and it's on , where she at?" Antony asks "she'll be back in 10 mins" I say hanging up and putting the dogs outside to do their business . I than text Reece * i miss you baby 😘* Reece: I miss you too , we got to talk when I get home 💔. Me: okay babe I'll be waiting ❤️😚. Reece: be there in 5m 😫👍
I let Antony know that she should be back in 5 minutes . He tells me to entertain her until he gets there .

         ( 6 minutes past - 1 minute late )
                  I hear the keys , than the door opens and Reece comes in with my favorite roses ( white and red ) and my favorite milk dove chocolate two 5 lb bags of it ! "Hey babe" she says kissing my cheek and handing me the gifts "I got one more thing be right back" she limps out the house than comes back in with a huge stuffed baby gorilla "OHHHH MY GOSHHH !!!" I screech as I hug the gorilla , gorillas are my favorite animals I love them so much "Thank you bae" I say "You're welcome ! Umm can we talk?" She asks "yeah sure!" I say hugging her , We both sit down on the couch "I really was thinking about how I treated Briasia and the shit I caused in her life , all the drama , fighting , mistakes and all that dumb shit I did to her ! I don't want to do it to you I love you I fucked up alot! I talked to a therapist yesterday night and I made an appointment with her" Reece looks at me than down at her hands "I'm tired of being this way , I hurt you , my family , my ex girls , and myself by doing this ! I need to come to my senses and do what's right not only for you but for us for my family and friends" Reece looks at me with sadness and I feel bad because I can see she is really serious about it "Baby I'm going to support you through every and anything ! I promise you that . I love you so much I love you more than I can explain ...." I get interrupted by the door opening fuck fuck I forgot ... My brother Antony and Devon grab Reece while my other brother Eric grabs me and drags me out of the house "GET OFF OF ME" I hear Reece scream "ANTONY PLEASE I MADE A MISTAKE ANTONY DONT" I cry "YOU WANT TO HIT MY SIST.." is the last thing I hear before the door slams
            😤 Reece 😑
"YOU WANT TO HIT MY SISTER? LET ME SHOW YOU WHAT A MAN HIT FEELS LIKE" the nigga punches me continuously while the other one holds me still "arghhh" I scream , I feel my insides dying , so much pain so much pain and I can't even do anything "You cut her fuckin face bitch" the taller one says pulling out a small pocket knife and sliding it from my eye to my jaw "ARGHHH SHIIT" I scream out in agony "YOU KEEP ON HITTIN ON MY SISTER BITCH" he punches me dead in my face "fuck man" I yell out than everything goes black ...

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