Everything Goes Black...

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(10pm) Wednesday night - Reece 😤

"Where is Briasia?" I ask Lee once I leave the building "I didn't see her at all, something isn't right, contact diablo!" Lee says to me than grabs some bitch who looks off "Where is this girl?" She shows the whore a picture "in room fiffy damn lemme go" she slurs "stupid bitch" my head shakes "I'm going in there as myself" Lee walks into the place , I follow closely behind her making sure no one is following us "we're good!" She sighs of relief "Great just great.... Reece and Lee Adamson nice to see you two" someone says over a loud speaker "ATTACK" is the next thing we here before everything goes black....

Briasia 💔
"HELLLLLLPPP HELP ME SOMEONE HELP US HELLLLLLP US PLEASE!" I bang on the door as hard as I can but nothing, no noises , no person, nothing... I'm stuck with my children and I can't do anything but sit here for more time and beg for help.

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