Chapter 41: Get Him Help

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Video because, Well, it's amazing of course 😂

Oh, and the Pic is mine :)
(I get bored)

Timeskip: It's now been five days since they've got to the cave.

Toothless' P.O.V

Hiccup is still unconscious, and it's really worrying me. What if he gets worse?! What if something goes wrong?! I'm not a healer, and he needs help! I don't know what I would do if..if I lost him. Hiccup has to be okay, he has to!

The only reasonable thing about this situation is the fact that the Queen is dead, so she can't enslave anyone ever again! For centuries she took over innocent dragons minds, and forced them to do her bidding, including my family. Forced us to kill. But now? Now, she's gone. For good. All thanks to us.
The end of her reign was LONG due. No living being should force others to do it's bidding. You are responsible for your own actions. You are responsible for your own survival. Don't force others to be your minions. It's not fair, it's not right, it's not honest.

Thankfully, in all the chaos, RedViper was able to save my spare tail fin. The one with the better quality. So when Hiccup's better we'll be able to go flying together again! Oh, I just hope he's better soon... I think it's high time I do something.

"Okay, guys. Look, Hiccup's not getting better. We have to take him to a village!" I  announce, gaining everyone's attention. Sparky, the Monstrous Nightmare, who has apparently devoted himself to helping us once the queen died—deciding that we wouldn't survive without his 'amazing' self—, comes over and nods in agreement. I get to my feet, I've mostly healed now, a few scratches here and there, and some aching muscles, but otherwise I think that I'll be fine. No broken bones or wings (somehow), that's the most important part.
"Toothless' right, guys. In fact, I think I know a place we can take him." Wildfire caws. I nod.

"Sparky can you carry me, while Wildfire you carry Hiccup but have him wrapped up in the blanket? Oh and RedViper could you carry my spare fin, and hide the other stuff behind the boulder, please?" I direct, taking the natural wheel as leader.

They all agree in their own ways and Sparky gently picks me up. RedViper manages to  tuck Hiccup's journal, money, tools, and pocket knife behind a boulder in the back of the cave, which is practically out of sight, before he grabs my fin and carefully holds it while Wildfire grabs Hiccup with a lot of care.
"Thank you. Thank you all. It means a lot." I say as we take to the air. I get purrs in response.
"This way! It won't be long!" Wildfire urges and we all follow her. I seriously hope so.

I'm so not used to being up in the air, but not flying myself, it feels really strange, but I don't have any other option.
I hope Sparky is strong enough to lift me over there. There's no way I'd stay in that cave when Hiccup's not there!

It's a pretty calm day, there's a slight breeze but it's working with us and not against us.
Oh, please be okay Hiccup.

(two and a half hours later)

Finally, after almslt three long hours of continuous flying in rainstorms or overcast like weather, an island comes into view on the horizon, with a village visable at the far side. The island has mostly forestry, but has beaches around the village, and cliffs wrapping around most of the back of the island.
We all immediately roar, trill, and warble in relief, breaking the silence that had taken over for the last hour or so.
Fnally! They can help Hiccup!

We glide low over a forest until we get close to town, where Sparky sets me down on a tree branch and then touches down on the ground bellow it, panting heavily. To be honest, I'm surprised he could lift me for that long.
RedViper places my fin next to me and hovers for a little as Wildfire stops in front of us.

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