Chapter 36: Angry Queen.

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Hiccup's POV.
(This chapter will be a little over the place)
(A couple hours later)

A cool breeze flows over and under us as we drift towards the nest, enjoying being off the ugly-heap-of-misery often referred to, as 'Berk'.

We're skimming the ocean with Toothless barely flapping his wings, and I lean down to dip my hand in, savouring the feeling of the cool liquid rushing over and under my fingers with a massive grin showing on my face.
We may be enjoying our freedom, but really we're not truly free, are we! We still 'work' for the queen, dragons are still enslaved, and we're both really nervous at what's to come—to be honest we don't want to die. Not today. Not when we just became free.

"Hey, bud?!" I chime out eventually. We'd been flying in a comfortable, blissful silence. He coos, looking back at me questionably.
"Do you wanna take a detour? It's not like we're supposed to go back to the nest! She doesn't own us, right?" I gesture as I speak.

"Sounds like a good  .., Hiccup." Toothless tells me, but I know there's more. "Except for, one, small detail..." and with that, he chucks something up in front of us, so I can see it, before catching it again. I groan.
We killed it, and wasting it isn't a good idea. It's just not right.
"Oh, right, the yak. That's annoying. Well I guess we could dr—hey! Over there, bud! Is that––is that Wildfire?!" I cut myself off, pointing at a dragon on a sea stack. Toothless roars loudly, and in response we get an answering roar. Within seconds Wildfire is in front of us.

"Hey Wildfire!" I greet with a grin.
"Oh, thank the dragon gods! I'm so glad you're ..!" She exclaims, relieved, as she hovers across from us.

"Yeah, we had to repair my tail." Toothless replies, gesturing to it. ".., are we glad to be off that island!"
".., is there .. I can do for you?" Wildfire asks.
"Actually, there is one thing!" I reply....

"YEEAAH!" I cheer as Toothless flies top speed. We perform twists and spins as we skim the ocean, basking in the glory of a free life.
"That's it bud!" I cheer as we race along the waters edge, the two of us really enjoying ourselves, as we test the limits of the delicate tail.
Oh, how great it is to be free...

Wildfire's POV
I tuck my wings into my sides to fit through the hole, making sure not to drop the kill as my instincts and memory navigate me through the dark tunnels. Finally, I reach the inside of the volcano. Scorching heat meets me immediately, and Red dust obstructs the view of the queen, as always. Every day I become more and more convinced that she lays in a lava bath down there. That's my conspiracy theory.

I fly over the dust, and drop the dead yak. "Delivery from one deadly Night Fury and his perky little Viking!" I chirp happily, still glad they're okay, before turning and flying out of the nest as fast as I can, glad to be out of there.
The only reason I stick 'round is cause of my family.

Hiccup's POV (two hours later)
"YEAH! WOO! THAT'S IT! WE GOT THIS!" I cheer loudly as Toothless and I manoeuvre around the sky, performing exhilarating moves and doing whatever the hell we want. Toothless lets out a loud and gleeful roar as we perform a barrel role, twist up to fly upside down, flip over, fire at a sea stack, and so on.

"Haha! We gonna break another speed record, bud?!" I tease him, and he smirks up at me, pressing himself to fly faster and faster. After a while we slow to a glide, seeing an island in the distance. We can't help but get a look at it. You know what they say, curiosity killed the Yak. Fine, so Stoick is actually the one that killed the Yak, but you get my point. Also, we don't wanna over work the new tail. So there's that.

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